Trinitarian Grace in Martin Luther's The Bondage of the Will
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Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780192895837
Number of Pages: 238
Published: 27/05/2021
Width: 16 cm
Height: 24 cm
Miikka Ruokanen reveals the powerfully Trinitarian and participatory nature of Martin Luther's conception of divine grace in his magnum opus The Bondage of the Will. The study establishes a genuinely new understanding of Luther's major treatise opening up its ecumenical potential. Luther's debate with Erasmus signifies not only a disagreement concerning free will, but the dispute reveals two contrasting understandings of the very core idea of the Christian faith. For Erasmus, the relationship of the human being with God is based on the rationally and morally acceptable principles of fair play. For Luther, the human being is captivated by the overwhelming power of unfaith and transcendental evil, Satan; only the monergistic grace of the Triune God and the power of the Holy Spirit can liberate him/her.
Ruokanen verifies the Trinitarian vision of salvation “by grace alone” as the center of Luther's theology. This doctrine has three dimensions. Firstly, the conversion of the sinner and the birth of faith in Christ are effected by prevenient divine grace; justification “through faith alone,” is the sole work of God's Spirit, comparable to creation ex nihilo. Secondly, participation in the person, life, and divine properties of Christ, as well as participation in his salvific work, his cross and resurrection, are possible solely because of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the believer. Justification means simultaneously the forensic declaration of the guilty non-guilty on the basis of the atonement by Jesus' cross, as well as a union with Christ in the Holy Spirit. Thirdly, sanctification means the gradual growth of love for God and neighbor enabled by the believer's participation in divine love in the Holy Spirit. Ruokanen's work offers a crucial modification and advance to the world-renowned Finnish school of Luther interpretation: Luther's classic use of Pneumatological language avoids the problems caused by using an ontological language.
List of Abbreviation
1: Introduction
2: Erasmus and Luther: Two Different Paradigms of the Christian Faith
3: Luther's Theological Method of Conflict and Distinction
4: The Enslavement of the Human Being
5: Pneumatological Emphasis in the Doctrine of Grace
6: The Trinitarian Nature of the Pneumatological Grace
7: A Theology of Paradoxes
8: A Comprehensive View of Luther's Doctrine of Grace
9: Is there Any Possibility of Reconciliation between Erasmus and Luther?
10: Conclusion
Index of Personal Names
Index of Subjects
Professor Ruokanen is a thinker of global stature, deeply engaged with the theologies of Europe, North America, and China. Here his thorough scholarship and profound reflection on Martin Luther combine to offer a retrieval of Luther that is prophetically relevant to the twenty-first century. This is not only a convincing, original contribution to the understanding of Luther on key issues, including Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, Christian life, freedom,
and grace; it is also an inspiring resource for churches of all traditions around the world-indeed, for anyone who shares in Luther's passionate attention to the Bible. * David F. Ford, Regius Professor of Divinity Emeritus, University of Cambridge, UK * This book is well worth reading for anyone passionate about Luther or his theology. * Mark Mattes, Grand View University, Lutheran Quarterly * Professor Miikka Ruokanen establishes a genuinely new understanding of Martin Luther's major theological treatise The Bondage of the Will. He offers a crucial modification and advance to the so-called Finnish school of Luther interpretation. Ruokanen's work reveals the Trinitarian and, more specifically, the powerfully Pneumatological and participatory nature of grace in Luther's argument against Erasmus. * Ian A. McFarland, Robert W. Woodruff Professor of Theology, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, USA * Ruokanen opens up new perspectives on the depth and function of Luther's understanding of the Trinity and the relationship of God with his people in this provocative study. It invites rich scholarly exchange on the nature of the union of Christ with believers and other aspects of the De servo arbitrio in relationship to Luther's larger oeuvre. * Robert Kolb, Professor of Systematic Theology Emeritus, Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis, USA * Differing from previous research, which mainly focuses on specialized problems, Ruokanen succeeds in creating an excellent comprehensive analysis of Luther's magnum opus, The Bondage of the Will. He establishes the Trinitarian nature of Luther's theology and displays the central role of the Holy Spirit in his theocentric doctrine of grace. * Risto Saarinen, Professor of Ecumenics, University of Helsinki, Finland * In this book of Miikka Ruokanen we have a wise and faithful guide to exploring Luther's doctrine of grace, alongside all of its ecumenical horizons. Anyone seeking to understand this central theme of the Reformation and its relevance to the world church today must read this book. * Professor Tom Greggs, DLitt, FRSE, Marischal Chair (1616) and Head ofDivinity, University of Aberdeen, UK *