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The Oxford Handbook of Reformed Theology looks back to past resources that have informed Reformed theology and surveys present conversations among those engaged in Reformed theology today. First, the volume offers accounts of the major historical contexts of reformed theology, the various relationships (ancient and modern) which it maintains and from which it derives. Recent research has shown the intricate ties between the patristic and medieval heritage of the church and the work of the reformed movement in the sixteenth century. The past century has also witnessed an explosion of reformed theology outside the Western world, prompting a need for attention not only to these global voices but also to the unique (and contingent) history of reformed theology in the West (hence reflecting on its relationship to intellectual developments like scholastic method or the critical approaches of modern biblical studies). Second, the volume assesses some of the classic, representative texts of the reformed tradition, observing also their reception history. The reformed movement is not dominated by a single figure, but it does contain a host of paradigmatic texts that demonstrate the range and vitality of reformed thought on politics, piety, biblical commentary, dogmatic reflection, and social engagement. Third, the volume turns to key doctrines and topics that continue to receive attention by reformed theologians today. Contributors who are themselves making cutting edge contributions to constructive theology today reflect on the state of the question and offer their own proposals regarding a host of doctrinal topics and themes.
Introduction: Scott R. Swain Part I. Contexts Reformed Theology and the Church Fathers Aza Goudriaan 2 Reformed Theology and Medieval Theology Christopher Cleveland 3 Reformed Theology in the Context of the Reformation(s) Carl Trueman 4 Reformed Theology in its Scholastic Development Maarten Wisse 5 Reformed Theology and the Enlightenment David S. Sytsma 6 Reformed Theology and the Humanities Marilynne Robinson 7 Reformed Theology and Modern Biblical Criticism Don Collett and Mark Gignilliat 8 Reformed Theology in Modern Europe (Nineteenth­ and Twentieth Centuries) James Eglinton 9 Reformed Theology in North America Paul Lim and Drew Martin 10 Reformed Theology and Global Christianity: The Cases of South Africa and Korea D. G. Hart Part II. Texts 11 Martin Bucer's Kingdom of Christ Scott Amos 12 John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion Paul Helm 13 Heinrich Bullinger's Decades Bruce Gordon 14 The Three Forms of Unity Lyle D. Bierma and Donald Sinnema 15 The Westminster Standards Chad Van Dixhoorn 16 John Owen's Discourse on the Holy Spirit Suzanne McDonald 17 Francis Turretin's Institutes of Elenctic Theology J. Mark Beach 18 Jonathan Edwards' A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections Kyle Strobel 19 Friedrich Schleiermacher's Christian Faith Shelli M. Poe 20 Abraham Kuyper's Lectures on Calvinism Richard J. Mouw 21 Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics Eberhard Busch 22 The Belhar Confession Robert Vosloo Part III. Topics and Themes 23 Prolegomena Gijsbert van den Brink 24 The Doctrine of God Katherine Sonderegger 25 The Divine Decree Paul T. Nimmo 26 Creation and Providence Cornelis van der Kooi 27 Covenant Michael S. Horton 28 Christ Ivor J. Davidson 29 Redemption Accomplished: Atonement Kevin J. Vanhoozer 30 Redemption Applied: Union with Christ J. Todd Billings 31 Church Amy Plantinga Pauw 32 Sacraments Martha Moore-Keish 33 Holy Scripture Daniel J. Treier 34 Liturgy Sue A. Rozeboom 35 Reformed Ethics Philip G. Ziegler 36 Politics, Society, and Law David Fergusson 37 Last Things Christopher R. J. Holmes Future Prospects for Reformed Theology Michael Allen Index

Michael Allen (John Dyer Trimble Professor of Systematic Theology and Academic Dean, John Dyer Trimble Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary), Scott R. Swain (President and James Woodrow Hassell Professor of Systematic Theology, President and James Woodrow Hassell Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary)

Michael Allen is John Dyer Trimble Professor of Systematic Theology and Academic Dean at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. He previously taught at Knox Theological Seminary, where he held the Kennedy Chair in Systematic Theology. He is a Presbyterian teaching elder and author or editor of a dozen books. Scott R. Swain is President and James Woodrow Hassell Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. Swain attended the University of North Florida (BA), Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv; ThM), and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (PhD). He is the author and editor of several books, including The God of the Gospel: Robert Jenson's Trinitarian Theology and, with Michael Allen, Reformed Catholicity: The Promise of Retrieval for Theology and Biblical Interpretation.

... this handbook thus serves as a wonderful starting point for those interested in engagement with the broad Reformed traditions. * Nathaniel Gray Sutanto, The Journal of Theological Studies * Reformed theology receives excellent and extensive treatment in this significant handbook. The editors have chosen stellar scholars to produce thirty-seven chapters while Swain has written an introduction and Allen a conclusion. This is an outstanding reference book, comprehensive in coverage, accessible and interestingly organised. * Donald K. McKim, Journal of Ecclesiastical History * As any handbook should, OHRT provides a tantalizing platter of Reformed thought that will be especially helpful for those visitors to the tradition who would like to sample the standard fare (along with a few fringe delicacies) without having to commit to a particular entree. * Kenny Silva, Trinity Journal * The Oxford Handbook of Reformed Theology provides a concise and comprehensive overview of the current theological self-understanding of Reformed theology. * Christian Danz, Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique * This handbook helps the reader to locate Reformed theology in the wider history of Christianity, to understand Reformed faith through a catholic, historic, and text-based approach, and to envision Reformed theology's way forward. Thus, it is highly recommended. * Ximian Xu, Journal of Reformed Theology * OHRT provides a tantalizing platter of Reformed thought... * Kenny Silva, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Trinity Journal * [The Handbook of Reformed Theology], edited by two leaders in the field, represents the best of historical, contemporary, and retrieval theologies related to the Reformed tradition. The range of scholars is outstanding, and the contexts, texts, and themes examined are well chosen and far reaching. * Ryan M. McGraw, Puritan Reformed Journal *

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