Reformed Government
Puritanism, Historical Contingency, and Ecclesiastical Politics in Late Elizabethan England
Reformed Government
Puritanism, Historical Contingency, and Ecclesiastical Politics in Late Elizabethan England
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Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198798101
Number of Pages: 272
Published: 11/07/2022
Width: 16.2 cm
Height: 24.2 cm
The culmination of cultural and literary achievements in the final decade of Elizabeth I's reign coincided with some of Tudor England's worst years economically which were exacerbated by plague, successive harvest failure, and belligerence at home and abroad. This critical edition of the scribal publication 'Reformed Government' c. 1594 provides a unique point of entry into the 1590s. Recovering a pivotal moment in the history of puritan radicalism, it represents the most extensive reformed response to the onslaught of anti-puritan literature in the late sixteenth century, including Richard Hooker's ^iLaws of Ecclesiastical Polity^r. In addition to mounting an epistemological and ecclesiastical defence of reformed presbyterian government, it sheds light on new appropriations of Renaissance ideas about historical contingency, and introduces a dynamic reading of Christian antiquity.
The edition also provides a wider context for later developments in the seventeenth century. Exploiting the instability of the period, the 'Reformed Government' seized the opportunity to re-imagine society and even anticipated the idea of altering civil and religious constitutions which theorists later developed in Revolutionary Britain. By expanding and reconfiguring the relationship between civil and ecclesiastical government, it imaginatively stretched the implications of historical change to entertain new possibilities. This recovery of an alternative vision of a reformed society in the late sixteenth century offers an alternative model for reading church history. Based on maximal visions and proposals of reform, the 'Reformed Government' is essential reading for the study of ecclesiastical tradition alongside confessional documents and summative statements.
Introductory Chapters
1: Rewriting the Elizabethan Civil Wars of Religion
2: Permissible Change: Richard Hooker, Machiavelli, and the 'Reformed Government'
3: Leveraging Historical Contingency: Christian Antiquity and Late Elizabethan Society
4: Reformed Monarchical Republicanism: A Scribal Reconstruction
5: The 'Reformed Government'
6: Reader Guide
Reformed Government
Preface to the Christian Reader
1: That the churchgovernment desired is the true, antient, primitive, catholick, & Apostolicall
2: Concerning the Circumstances of the Churchgovernment: and how it may stande united with the Civil governement and pollicy off this Kingdome with conveniency, and without any great alteration
3: That the Reformed Churchgovernment desyred, is farre from a Tyranny
4: That the Churchgovernment desired is possible
5: Of perpetuity of the desired Churchgovernment
The Conclusion to the Reader