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Paperback / softback


Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198837466
Number of Pages: 672
Published: 28/01/2022
Width: 17 cm
Height: 24.5 cm
The Oxford Handbook of Ecclesiology is a unique scholarly resource for the study of the Christian Church as we find it in the Bible, in history, and today. As the scholarly study of how we understand the Christian Church's identity and mission, ecclesiology is at the centre of today's theological research, reflection, and debate. Ecclesiology is the theological driver of the ecumenical movement. The main focus of the intense ecumenical engagement and dialogue of the past half-century has been ecclesiological and this is the area where the most intractable differences remain to be tackled. Ecclesiology investigates the Church's manifold self-understanding in relation to a number of areas: the origins, structures, authority, doctrine, ministry, sacraments, unity, diversity, and mission of the Church, including its relation to the state and to society and culture. The sources of ecclesiological reflection are the Bible (interpreted in the light of scholarly research), Church history, and the wealth of the Christian theological tradition, together with the information and insights that emerge from other relevant academic disciplines. This Handbook considers the biblical resources, historical development, and contemporary initiatives in ecclesiology. It offers an invaluable and comprehensive guide to understanding the Church.
List of contributors 1: Paul Avis: Introduction to Ecclesiology Part I: Biblical Foundations 2: R. W. L. Moberly: The Ecclesiology of Israel's Scriptures 3: Loveday Alexander: The Church in the Synoptic Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles 4: Andrew T. Lincoln: The Johannine vision of the Church 5: Edward Adams: The Shape of the Pauline Churches 6: Gerald O'Collins, SJ: The Church in the General Epistles Part II: Resources from the Tradition 7: Mark Edwards: Early Ecclesiology in the West 8: Andrew Louth: The Eastern Orthodox Tradition 9: Norman Tanner, SJ: Medieval Ecclesiology and the Conciliar Movement 10: Dorothea Wendebourg: The Church in the Magisterial Reformers 11: Paul Avis: Anglican Ecclesiology 12: Ormond Rush: Roman Catholic Ecclesiology from the Council of Trent to Vatican II and Beyond 13: Paul S. Fiddes: Baptist Concepts of the Church and their Antecedents 14: David M. Chapman: Methodism and the Church 15: Amos Yong: Pentecostal Ecclesiologies Part III: Major Modern Ecclesiologists 16: Kimlyn J. Bender: Karl Barth 17: Gabriel Flynn: Yves Congar 18: Gabriel Flynn: Henri de Lubac 19: Richard Lennan: Karl Rahner 20: Theodor Dieter: Joseph Ratzinger 21: Paul McPartlan: John Zizioulas 22: Friederike Nüssel: Wolfhart Pannenberg 23: Mike Higton: Rowan Williams Part IV: Contemporary Movements in Ecclesiology 24: Elaine Graham: Feminist Critiques, Visions, and Models of the Church 25: Neil Ormerod: Social Science and Ideological Critiques of Ecclesiology 26: Michelle A. Gonzalez: Liberationist Ecclesiologies with Special Reference to Latin America 27: Simon Chan: Asian Ecclesiologies 28: Stan Chu Ilo: African Ecclesiologies

Paul Avis (Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Theology and Religion, Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Theology and Religion, University of Exeter)

Paul Avis is a priest in the Church of England. He was Honorary Visiting Professor in the Department of Theology and Religion, Exeter University, 2008-17. He is editor-in-chief of Ecclesiology. His publications include Reshaping Ecumenical Theology: The Church Made Whole?, The Identity of Anglicanism: Essentials of Anglican Ecclesiology (2008), and A Ministry Shaped by Mission (2005).

Clear in presentation, ecumenical in tone, this volume meets and exceeds the standards of academic reference volumes. * Justin L. McLendon, Calvin Theological Journal * [This book] will be widely and profitably used. For all this, we can be grateful for this volume and its organizing editor, Paul Avis. * Bruce Kaye, Charles Sturt University, Canberra, Theology * What is covered is rich, worth engaging with, and speaks of the depth and wealth of the Church. * Revd. Mark Ord, BMS World Mission, Journal of European Baptist Studies * this is a fine work, an asset to a library. It is a full and accessible introduction to a part of the theological enterprise which is not studied enough. * Christopher Lewis, Ecclesiastical Law Journal * ...this volume presents a constructive contribution to ecclesiological scholarship. The Oxford Handbook of Ecclesiology stands as a worthy addition to any theological collection. * Simon R. Wayte, Theological Studies * The Oxford Handbook of Ecclesiology will be a useful addition to any theological library. The writing throughout is approachable. The bibliographical resources are excellent. Students who dip in in haste will find here every encouragement to explore more widely. * Nicholas Sagovsky, Church Times * Avis's accomplishment in assembling this volume will be a lasting one, and it could easily be a foundational text for seminaries and other institutions of theological learning ... serve[s] simultaneously as introductions and deep-dive seams of engagement, and should become standard reference works. * Richard J. Mammana, The Living Church * The Oxford Handbook of Ecclesiology is an excellent addition to a reference library for graduate students, scholars of religion, or ministers looking to consult major ecclesiological figures, traditions, and trends. It is valuable to both specialists within ecclesiology as well as theologians specializing in other areas of study. As with other entries in the Oxford Handbook series, the bibliographical suggestions are excellent resources. * Annie Selak, Reading Religion * Recommended. * CHOICE * Avis has put all of us in his debt by the many stimulating works he has produced. This outstanding work is a tribute to his ability and dedication. * Paul Richardson, Church of England Newspaper *

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