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Doctrine of Deification in the Greek Patristic Tradition

Doctrine of Deification in the Greek Patristic Tradition

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Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199265213
Number of Pages: 432
Width: 16.4 cm
Height: 24.1 cm
Deification in the Greek patristic tradition was the fulfilment of the destiny for which humanity was created - not merely salvation from sin but entry into the fullness of the divine life of the Trinity. This book, the first on the subject for over sixty years, traces the history of deification from its birth as a second-century metaphor with biblical roots to its maturity as a doctrine central to the spiritual life of the Byzantine Church. Drawing attention to the richness and diversity of the patristic approaches from Irenaeus to Maximus the Confessor, Norman Russell offers a full discussion of the background and context of the doctrine, at the same time highlighting its distinctively Christian character.
1. Introduction ; 2. Deification in the Graeco-Roman World ; 3. The Jewish Paradigm: From Ezekiel to the yored merkavah ; 4. The Earliest Christian Model: Participatory Union with Christ ; 5. The Alexandrian Tradition I: Christian Schools and Study-Circles ; 6. The Alexandrian Tradition II: The Imposition of Episcopal Control ; 7. The Cappadocian Approach: Divine Transcendence and the Ascent of the Soul ; 8. The Monastic Synthesis: The Achievement of Maximus the Confessor ; 9. Epilogue

Norman Russell (Formerly Vice-Provost of the London Oratory, now an independent scholar)

Norman Russell was formerly Vice-Provost of the London Oratory and is now an independent scholar.

every theological library needs to have a copy of this excellent book. * Lucian Turcescu, A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies * Norman Russell is nothing if not thorough * Lionel Wickham, Journal of Ecclesiastical History * Norman Russell presents his subject with the assurance of a master... He displays not just understanding of the material, but also a clear awareness of the field of patristic studies... this is a masterpiece of what historical discussion of Christian doctrine should be: historically acute and theologically perceptive. * Andrew Louth, The Times Higher Education Supplement * The scope and precision of this book are beyond praise...the work is an admirable resource and could ardly be bettered. * Anthony Meredith, The Journal of Theological Research *

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