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Original Story

God, Israel and the World

Original Story

God, Israel and the World

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Publisher: Darton,Longman & Todd Ltd
ISBN: 9780232524857
Number of Pages: 304
Published: 10/05/2004
Width: 17 cm
Height: 24 cm
A comprehensive and lively introduction to the Old Testament, suitable for sixth-form, university and ministerial students, as well as the interested general reader. It provides a complete course covering history, archaeology, geography and textual interpretation. Its core is a set of chapters on central biblical themes including the nature of God, human suffering, ethics, the relation of God to Israel and the covenant. There are detailed chapters on aspects such as prophecy, worship, law, apocalyptic and wisdom literature and historiography. The book is extensively illustrated and easily navigable with icons, sidebars and boxes providing helpful information and questions for discussion.

John Barton, Julia Bowden

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