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Pippa's Progress

A Pilgrim's Journey to Heaven

Pippa's Progress

A Pilgrim's Journey to Heaven

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd
ISBN: 9780232529548
Number of Pages: 176
Published: 19/10/2012
Width: 12.6 cm
Height: 19.8 cm

Times have changed since John Bunyan wrote his classic Pilgrim’s Progress, telling of Pilgrim’s journey up Hill Difficult and through the Slough of Despond to the Celestial City. Yet people in their millions still seek meaning in their lives and speak of journeying towards a goal. Everyone on earth seeks a heaven. This is the story of the journey of Pippa, a 21st-century Pilgrim.Simon Parke’s witty and insightful modern-day re-telling of Pilgrim’s Progress follows the original’s premise of a pilgrim’s journey to heaven, but this time through the trials and temptations of our secularised, multi-cultural society. Pippa’s challenges along the way include the Rock of Subconscious, the Cliff of Hopelessness, the Fabulous Fame Game, the Sea of Identity and, of course, Heaven.

Simon Parke

Simon Parke is modern-day writer and mystic. He was a priest in the Church of England for twenty years as well as a script-writer for Spitting Image and a Sony award-winning for radio writer. As well as many books, including ‘The Beautiful Life’ (Bloomsbury), ‘One-Minute Mindfulness’ (Hay House) and ‘Shelf Life’ (Random House), he has written a weekly column in the Daily Mail for the last four years. A pilot episode for his comedy/drama ‘Shelf Life’ is currently being made by ITV Studios.

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