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Saturated with God

A cry for nation-changing revival

Saturated with God

A cry for nation-changing revival

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: SPCK Publishing
ISBN: 9780281088034
Number of Pages: 240
Published: 15/06/2023
Width: 12.9 cm
Height: 19.8 cm
Do you feel weary, tired, dry? Do you feel in need of spiritual refreshment? It's time for us to become a people saturated by God. Many of us believe revival is possible, but sometimes it feels so far away - we hear of astonishing accounts from across the world or read about remarkable stories in the pages of our history books. This is a book for those thirsting to see revival bubble up in our post-pandemic time and place today. Exploring the profound images of water in scripture, from baptism to an ‘outpouring’ of the Holy Spirit, Saturated With God paints a compelling vision of what the Church can be today - shining with the love and power of God - and stirs up the call on every Christian to more closely follow Jesus today.
Foreword xiii Introduction xvii Part 1 A DEHYDRATED CHURCH IN A PARCHED LAND Why are we not seeing revival today? 3 1 'A dry and parched land': lost world 10 2 'Broken cisterns': dry Church 23 3 'In the desert a highway': heart preparation 37 Part 2 A PEOPLE SATURATED WITH GOD What could revival look like? 51 4 'Floods on the dry ground': communities transformed 60 5 'Come to me and drink': Jesus at the centre 75 6 'Baptise you with the Holy Spirit': power from heaven 85 Part 3 LEARNING TO LIVE A GOD-SATURATED LIFE How can I cultivate revival in everyday life? 99 7 'My soul thirsts for God': prioritising prayer 104 8 'Wash me . . . cleanse me': hunger for holiness 116 9 'A fountain of tears': loving deeply 127 10 'Wells of salvation': sharing Jesus 139 11 'There is a river': encountering God 150 12 'A well-watered garden': living for the kingdom 160 13 'I will pour out my Spirit on all people': everyone overflowing 170 14 'When you pass through the waters': embracing the cost 182 Never thirst again! 191

Malcolm Macdonald

Malcolm Macdonald is the Vicar of St Mary's Church in Loughton, Englandand has seen the church grow significantly in his time there. His heartis to see revival, growth and freedom in the UK church. He regularly teaches at conferences in England.

"Malcolm has lived for, prayed for, worked for, and looked for revival for over thirty years. This book is the fruit of his quest and it is both kindling and spark to ignite the fire of revival in your heart, your church, your community and your nation. The most exciting book on renewal in a generation." -- Simon Ponsonby, St Aldate's, Oxford "Malcolm Macdonald masterfully draws God's living water from our ancient wells. Not just to give his readers a quick drink, but with his charism as a giant of faith, to raise our ambition. What does it mean to be 'saturated by God' in a way that transforms lives, churches, communities and society? I loved it!" -- Jill Duff, Bishop of Lancaster "A realistic assessment of where we are and a hopeful portrayal of where we could be. We are praying with Malcolm for the move of God he writes about so clearly here. Might we see floods of revival again." -- Gavin and Anne Calver, CEO, Evangelical Alliance and Unleashed Overseer "We are taught to have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. Malcolm Macdonald has done that and captured it wonderfully in this book. It is a word for our time as he calls us back to the Church's roots in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit and encourages us to prepare for the revival future God has for us. Sharp analysis of the state of the Church today deeply convicted me about the poverty of my life in God and yet I was filled with hope as I read of past revivals. This book invites us to believe for more of God." -- Revd Canon John McGinley, Leader of Myriad "Saturated with God echoes the cry of many hearts in the church today; 'there must be more than this'. In a world that has experienced global chaos and trauma over the last few years, this book provides fresh hope and life for those seeking more. Malcolm provides for us a clear guide to going deeper into both God's presence and God's power; one that he has consistently modelled personally in his own life and ministry. I highly recommend it." -- Nicola Neal, CEO, Every Life

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