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Holiness and Mission

Learning from the Early Church About Mission in the City

Holiness and Mission

Learning from the Early Church About Mission in the City

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Publisher: SCM Press
ISBN: 9780334043812
Number of Pages: 128
Published: 30/09/2010
Width: 13.5 cm
Height: 21.6 cm

Mission is one of the key subjects for the church today. What does it mean to live the Christian faith in a world of many faiths and none? In this book, two leading scholars explore what mission and discipleship meant for some of the earliest Christian communities. Morna Hooker and Frances Young outline the nature of mission for the earliest Christian communities (in the New Testament and beyond) and relate this to the context of the mission and discipleship today, thereby engaging with and challenging some common assumptions made about mission today.Originally presented as the Hugh Price Hughes Lectures in the West London Mission, the book will be of interest not only to students of theology but to all interested in the life and ministry of the church today.

Morna D Hooker

Morna Dorothy Hooker is a British theologian and New Testament scholar. She was Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity within the University of Cambridge from 1976 to 1998, becoming the first woman to hold the Cambridge degree of D.D., and as of 1998 is Professor Emerita. She remains a Fellow of Robinson College, having joined the fellowship as a founding Fellow in 1977, and is also a Fellow of King's College London and an honorary Fellow of Linacre College, Oxford.

Frances Margaret Young, Morna D. Hooker

Morna D. Hooker is Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity Emerita in the University of Cambridge and author of a number of books on the New Testament.Frances Young is Edward Cadbury Professor of Patristics Emerita in the University of Birmingham and one of the best-known Patristics scholars in the world.

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