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Rembrandt and the Gospel

Rembrandt and the Gospel

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Publisher: SCM Press
ISBN: 9780334046523
Number of Pages: 196
Published: 05/03/2012
Width: 15.6 cm
Height: 23.4 cm

At the beginning of his career Rembrandt was influenced by the theatrical art of the Counter-Reformation and used the Bible merely as a storehouse of subjects to paint. Gradually, in the tragedies of his own ife, Rembrandt developed a style which in ts quality makes him unique as an interpreter of the Bible as a whole. He became a biblical painter.

Dr t'Hooft summarizes the biblical message of Rembrandt's art in the works of Ecclesiastes: 'I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God hath done t, that en should fear before him. 

W. A. Visser t' Hooft

W. A. Visser t'Hooft was General Secretary of the World Council of Churches.

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