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Instruments of Christ's Love

The Ministry of Readers

Instruments of Christ's Love

The Ministry of Readers

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Publisher: SCM Press
ISBN: 9780334054351
Number of Pages: 144
Published: 30/07/2016
Width: 13.5 cm
Height: 21.6 cm

Written by two experienced teachers working with Readers and supporting Reader ministry, this resource offers a fresh look at Reader ministry and thus a resource for Readers to consider their own specific ministry as well as for those exploring Reader ministry as a possible vocation.

Revd Dr. Phillip Tovey, Sally Buck, Graham Dodds

Phillip Tovey is Deputy Warden of Readers and Director of Postgraduate Curate Training in the Diocese of Oxford. Sally Buck is Director of Reader Formation in the Lincoln School of Theology and Diocesan Warden of Readers in the Diocese of Lincoln. Graham Dodds is Canon Treasurer, Wells Cathedral and Director of Learning Communities for the Diocese of Bath & Wells

'...a fascinating insight into Reader ministry past, present and future' -- Rt Revd Robert Paterson

'There is no doubting the commitment of the authors to Reader ministry and their appreciation of its importance and potential. This book may be useful for those exploring Reader ministry or in training, wanting a reasonably concise overview of all things Reader.' -- Gertrud Sollars, The Reader, Spring 2017 

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