Out of Nothing
A Cross-Shaped Approach to Fresh Expressions
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The two key questions often levelled at fresh expressions are `What is Church?' and `How on earth can a fresh expression be evaluated?'
In "Out of Nothing", Andrew Dunlop offers an account of his journey in starting a fresh expression, and along the way proposes an alternative theological foundation for evaluation - the Cross-Shaped approach. Dunlop proposes a theological foundation which goes to the heart of God's action in the world.
Both accessible and critically engaged, the book will provide an important resource for both pioneers and for those studying pioneer ministry.
'Weaving together narrative and theological reflection, this book offers helpful insights on a range of issues pertinent for all who are involved in fresh expressions of church - the essence of church, missional listening, homogeneity, theological foundations and the meaning of success in such contexts. Although much is familiar from other sources, the author's missional and ecclesial application of different images of the atonement is creative and persuasive, as are his reflections on nothingness as the starting point.' -- Stuart Murray Williams
'It's really helpful for pioneers to hear an account like this that shows the steps that someone else has taken in starting a fresh expression of church in a new context and especially so when they seem so natural and ordinary in nature. I was left thinking anyone could do this which surely is a good thing!' -- Jonny Baker, Director of Mission Education, Church Mission Society
'Fresh expressions practice is only properly advanced by experiment and reflection. So Andrew Dunlop’s reflection on his experience as a practitioner is a welcome addition to this body of experiential learning.' - Bishop Graham Cray