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Who's Who in the New Testament

Who's Who in the New Testament

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Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
ISBN: 9780415260367
Published: 27/09/2001
Who's Who in The New Testament is the most complete and detailed reference book of its kind. Paying close attention to the places linked with the major events of Jesus's life, it provides: * over 300 extensive entries covering every major character * detailed biographical information on each character, including exactly where to find them in the Bible * the complete historical, geographical and archaeological context of each entry * an extremely accessible and easy to use A-Z layout * extensive geographical entries focusing on the growth of the Christian Church and the key locations in the New Testament * comprehensive interpretative analysis of the varying versions of the Gospels and the characters of the authors.

Ronald Brownrigg

Canon Ronald Brownrigg is a higly respected authority on the people and places of the New Testament. His previous publications include The Twelve Apostles, Pauline Places and Come, See the Place: A Pilgrim Guide to the Holy Land.

'Canon Brownrigg helps us open our eyes to see, and our ears to hear, even things of long ago as if we are experiencing contemporary events.' - The Most Reverend Desmond M. Tutu

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