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Christian Faith for Today

Christian Faith for Today

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Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
ISBN: 9780415277037
Published: 04/04/2002
Written by one of the world's foremost religious authorities, A Christian Faith for Today provides both Christians and sceptics with a much-needed response to modernity's challenge to God. Most people accept that our world is regulated by the laws of natural science, but how should Christian believers reconcile this with faith, incarnation and a loving and intelligent Creator? W. Montgomery Watt returns to the Biblical stories and sources at the roots of modern faith and to theological problems such as Jesus' divinity and humanity. He suggests how the miraculous might be understood from a rational perspective and the genuinely transcendental distinguished from allegory and symbolism. Sympathetic to the Gospel, yet acceptable to the modern mind, this is a timely and sensitive exposition of God's manifestation and intervention in the world and of his purposes with us and for us.

W. Montgomery Watt

'An intelligent and liberal interpretation of Christian theology... a very useful piece of work. The intelligent person's guide to Christianity,' - Richard Holloway, formerly Bishop of Edinburgh; 'Has its own distinctive contribution to make... pointing to the wonders of creation, especially life, and the probability that there is intelligent purpose in it all.' - John Macquarrie, University of Oxford

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