Being Conformed to Christ in Community
A Study of Maturity, Maturation and the Local Church in the Undisputed Pauline Epistles
Being Conformed to Christ in Community
A Study of Maturity, Maturation and the Local Church in the Undisputed Pauline Epistles
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Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
ISBN: 9780567043542
Number of Pages: 280
Width: 15.6 cm
Height: 23.4 cm
Being Conformed to Christ in Community explores Paul's conception of maturity, paying particular attention to the maturation process and the role of the local church in facilitating this process. Although central to Paul's theology, maturity is often overlooked in Pauline studies. Samra argues that Paul understood his apostolic commission to involve delivering mature believers on the day of Christ. He suggests that the central motif of Pauline maturity is conformity of believers to the image of Christ, who provides the defi ning standard of maturity. For Paul there are fi ve means used by the Spirit to conform believers to the image of Christ, which Samra presents and analyzes as components of the maturation process, namely identifying with Christ, enduring suffering, experiencing the presence of God, receiving and living out wisdom from God and imitating a godly example. Samra concludes by arguing that Paul expected the local church to facilitate maturation so that believers' participation in a local assembly would result in their being conformed to Christ. REV DR JAMES G. SAMRA is Senior Minister at Calvary Church in Grand Rapids, USA.He earned a doctor of philosophy in New Testament from Oxford University and a masters of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary.
Chapter 1: introduction; 1.1 introduction 1; 1.2 choice and clarification of terminology; 1.3 the need for this study; 1.4 scope and type of study; 1.5 the individual and the group in Paul: an introductory issue; 1.6 overview and organization of the thesis. Chapter 2: heuristic studies: modern psychology, Qumran and the therapeutae 48; 2.1 introduction; 2.2 modern psychology; 2.3 the Qumran community; 2.4 the therapeutae; Chapter 3: the maturational aspect of Paul's apostolic commission; 3.1 introduction; 3.2 central passages for Paul's understanding of his mission; 3.3 further passages; 3.4 Moses as a model for Paul; 3.5 church and the maturational aspect of Paul's commission; 3.6 conclusion; Chapter 4: general considerations regarding maturity and maturation; 4.1 introduction; 4.2 marks of maturity; 4.3 Christ as the standard of maturity; 4.4 maturing as a process; 4.5 conclusion; Chapter 5: the central motif of maturity: conformity to the image of Christ; 5.1 introduction; 5.2 exegesis of texts; 5.3 analysis of the motif of conformity to the image of Christ; 5.4 conformity to Christ as central to Paul's theology and the central motif of maturity; 5.5 conclusion; Chapter 6: components of the maturation process; 6.1 introduction; 6.2 identifying with Christ; 6.3 enduring suffering; 6.4 experiencing the presence of god; 6.5 receiving and living out wisdom from god; 6.6 imitating a godly example; 6.7 conclusion; Chapter 7: the role of the local community in the maturation process; 7.1 introduction; 7.2 Paul's theological conception of church; 7.3 Paul's expectation for the local community: an examination of 1 Corinthians; 7.4 the local church and the components of the maturation process; 7.5 conclusion; Chapter 8: conclusions.
mention- The Chronicle of Higher Education/ October 13, 2006