Torah in Psalms and Prophets
A Lexical Semantic Study of the Life Cycle in Biblical Israel
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Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
ISBN: 9780567598325
Number of Pages: 208
In this book the relationship between the Hexateuch and Pentateuch redaction, on the one hand, and the prophetic literature on the other hand, is stressed. The authors of the Hexateuch emphasized the importance of land as the greatest gift of Yahweh. These post-exilic Hexateuch redactors (who were priestly scribes) fought against the claims of diaspora communities in Babylon (represented by Nehemiah) who demanded a new distribution of the land. In opposition to these land claims, the Pentateuch redaction emphasized the importance of the Torah as the most important of Yahweh's gifts. In the long run the editors of the Pentateuch triumphed and the Torah grew in importance. In the course of time the prophets opposed this concept of the Torah and someone like Jeremiah expected something totally new: a new people and a new covenant.
List of Contributors
I. Torah in the Psalms
Chapter 1: Dirk J Human, "Yahweh-Kingship Psalms and the Torah".
Chapter 2: Friedhelm Hartenstein, "The significance of creation in historical hymns".
Chapter 3: Phil J Botha, "Interpreting Torah in Psalm 1 in the light of the semantic field of Torah in Psalm 119".
Chapter 4: Frank-Lothar Hossfeld, "The 'ways of Yahweh and the ways of the petitionerin the fifth and last Davidic Psalter (Pss 138-145)".
Chapter 5: Alphonso Groenewald, "When the psalmist reads Scripture. Psalm 51 and the Pentateuch".
Chapter 6: Martin Arneth, "Genesis in Psalm 47".
II. Torah in the Prophets
Chapter 7: Eckart Otto, "Priests and prophets in the legal hermeneutics of the Pentateuch".
Chapter 8: Jurie H le Roux, "Abrahem and the distant voices".
Chapter 9: Christian Frevel, Are there any reasons why Baalam has to die? Prophecy, pseudo-prophecy and sorcery in the Book of Numbers.
Chapter 10: Fanie Snyman, Malachi and the Torah.
Chapter 11: Eben H Scheffler, "Pro the poor in the Pentateuch and the Psalms".
Index of References
Index of Authors