C. L. Crouch and Christopher B. Hays introduce the Book of Isaiah in its diverse historical contexts, tracing its origins and development over several centuries: beginning with the career of the prophet Isaiah ben Amoz in eighth century Jerusalem, continuing with a late seventh century edition and the further revisions made in the late sixth century, and concluding with final shaping during the Persian Period.
At each stage Crouch and Hays pay close attention to the historical, cultural, and theological conversations that influenced the book's aims and interests. Crouch and Hays discuss the theological and literary continuities among the book's contributors, as well as where language and concerns differed from generation to generation. They also consider the reception history of Isaiah and what the text has meant to people through history.
With suggestions of further reading at the end of each chapter, this guide will be an essential accompaniment to study of the Book of Isaiah.
Isaiah in the Eighth Century
Isaiah in the Seventh Century
Isaiah in the Sixth Century
Isaiah in the Fifth Century
Further Reading
Professor C.L. Crouch (Radboud University), Christopher B. Hays (Fuller Theological Seminary, USA)
C.L. Crouch is Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and Ancient Judaism and Chair of the Department of Textual, Historical and Systematic Studies of Judaism and Christianity at Radboud University, the Netherlands. She is also a research associate of the University of Pretoria, South Africa.
Christopher B. Hays is D. Wilson Moore Professor of Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary, USA. He is also a research associate of the University of Pretoria, South Africa.
One cannot imagine a better duo for this volume than Crouch and Hays, both of whom are leading scholars in the prophetic corpus generally and in Isaiah studies specifically. Here they combine their many gifts-vast knowledge, lucid prose, and obvious pedagogical expertise-to produce an ideal introduction to one of the most important and complicated books in the Hebrew Bible. The result is both up-to-date and informative, covering the historical context and theological themes of Isaiah across four centuries (readers will find the chapter on the seventh century especially intriguing). Here is a volume I will refer (and refer others) to often. -- Professor Brent A. Strawn, Duke University, USA This is a clear and readable guide to one of the most complex books in the Hebrew Bible. Crouch and Hays identify four centuries (8th-5th BCE) in the growth and editing of Isaiah. They show how each stage in the book's developing theological message relates to the political context of the day. Readers initially confused by the often muddled impression made by the finished book will find here a lucid account of its meaning and importance. A great contribution to this important series -- John Barton, University of Oxford, UK Crouch and Hays's lucid, concise, and engagingly written study guide is a treasure. It combines a staunchly historical outlook of the book of Isaiah with in-depth discussions of its theological messages. Overall, it offers a fresh take on the historical events that not only are reflected in but also shaped the various texts in Isaiah. Crouch and Hays express their viewpoints in dialogue with up-to-date scholarship yet never hesitate to offer new and avant-garde interpretations when appropriate. I can recommend this book wholeheartedly. -- Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, OErebro School of Theology, Sweden Crouch and Hays are presenting great lectures on Isaiah, championed by their ancient Near Eastern expertise and their trenchant exegetical acumen. Their lectures with story-telling clarity helps prophetic oracles without many plots come alive in engaging readings. It guides readers through the journey of historical contexts, from the eighth, seventh, sixth, and fifth centuries, helping readers gain the essential knowledge on key historical events and ramifications. The guide also expounds key themes on the Isaianic texts in association with each century, as though the ancient prophet's preaching could be heard in our time. In an age of crisp yet precise SNS, this book offers the clearest guides in comprehending the book of Isaiah. Assuredly, these erudite and enchantingly captivating lectures will serve the readers well. -- Paul Kim Harold B. Williams, Methodist Theological School in Ohio, USA