Constructive Promise of Schleiermacher's Theology
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Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
ISBN: 9780567691682
Number of Pages: 248
Width: 15.6 cm
Height: 23.4 cm
This volume demonstrates how Friedrich Schleiermacher’s thought can be used to address contemporary doctrinal refinement and development. Taking a constructive approach, Shelli M. Poe weaves Schleiermacher’s theology together with current scholarship in feminism, womanism, ecotheology, and queer theology. While Schleiermacher is widely acclaimed as the progenitor of modern theology, Poe is one of the first to use his work as a springboard to refine contemporary doctrine. This book demonstrates the promise of Schleiermacher’s mature work for contemporary constructive forms of theology.
A. Schleiermacher and Constructive Forms of Theology
B. A Brief Introduction to Schleiermacher’s Thought on Religion and Theology
C. The Approach of this Volume
D. Initial Motivations
E. Chapter Overview
1. Trinity
A. Schleiermacher and the Doctrine of the Trinity
B. Problematic Features of Trinitarian Doctrine
C. Essential Trinitarianism
2. Christ and Redemption
A. Contemporary Challenges to Christology
B. Schleiermacher’s Christology
C. Womanist Atonement Theories and Schleiermacher’s Soteriology
D. Further Benefits of Schleiermacher’s Soteriology
3. Church and Spirit
A. Joy and Laughter as Ecclesial Practices
B. Expanding the Imaginary: A Queer Community of Woman
4. God and Creation
A. Absolute Causality and Divine Imnipotence
B. Divine Sovereignty and Prayerful Submission
Schleiermacher is a wonderful theologian to think with even if - or maybe because - he never expected everyone to agree with him. What he did want is theologically active pastors who addressed the problems of their own day with bravery and faith. Shelli M Poe does a wonderful service in bringing his thought to bear on issues which are points of pain in our time, and were so in his. -- Janet Soskice, Professor, Jesus College, Cambridge, UK Poe creates an interesting and exciting conversation between what may at first appear unlikely partners: Schleiermacher and feminist, womanist and queer theologians and ecotheologians. Her aim is to suggest that contemporary theologians have a creative partner in their theological forebear. This leads to a challenging and enlivening book which is worth your time and will spark your thinking in new ways. -- Lisa Isherwood, Professor, University of Wales Trinity St David, UK Shelli M. Poe offers us a Schleiermacher for today. Creatively reinterpreting central elements of his theology in deep conversation with feminist, womanist, queer, ecotheological, and other perspectives, The Constructive Promise of Schleiermacher's Theology delivers what it promises: a joyous (and much-needed) engagement with a theologian of joy. -- Linn Marie Tonstad, Associate Professor of Theology, Religion, and Sexuality, Yale Divinity School, USA