The Accountable Animal: Justice, Justification, and Judgement offers a theological meditation on the human being as an accountable animal. Brendan Case introduces the idea of accountability, not merely as a structural feature of human institutions, but as a disposition to submit to rightly-constituted authority, whether divine or human. He relates this conception of accountability to the key themes of "justice, justification, and judgment".
"Those with Promises to Keep"
Chapter 1
"Rendering to Each His Right": Accountability as a Sub-Type of Justice
Chapter 2
“You Judge Each according to his Ways”: Ezekiel on Human Obedience, the Killing Letter, and the Life-Giving Spirit
Chapter 3
“The Doers of the Law Will Be Justified”: Resolving a Pauline Dilemma
Chapter 4
Christ as Adam’s Righteousness: Edenic Justification as a Reason for the Incarnation
Chapter 5
Family, Polity, Church: Corporate Persons and the Origins of Accountability
Chapter 6
Fiery Furnaces and Final Farthings: Purgatory and the Problem of Postmortem Accountability
Chapter 7
On the Varieties of Infernalist Experience: Accountability in Everlasting, Annihilationist, and Purgatorial Hells
What's Next?
Dr Brendan Case (Harvard University, USA)
Brendan Case is Associate Director for Research, The Human Flourishing Program, Harvard University, USA.
Case's argument here is not only extremely well made, and more than compelling, but something of a model for how a philosophical theologian should go about concentrating on a single question and pursuing the correct answer along every possible logical and hermeneutical path. -- David Bentley Hart, Former Fellow, Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study, USA Beautifully written, profoundly engaging, and theologically sophisticated, The Accountable Animal is a joy to read. Throughout, a penetrating argument is constructed for why accountability defines what it means to be human. Giving fresh attention to this neglected topic, Case offers a groundbreaking contribution not only to theological anthropology and ethics but to theology as a whole. -- Dr Andrew Torrance, Senior Lecturer in Theology, University of St. Andrews, UK Brendan Case's The Accountable Animal is a richly suggestive, genuine work of theology, combining speculative verve and thoughtful engagement with Scripture. -- Nathan Eubank, Associate Professor of New Testament, University of Notre Dame, USA