New Studies in Textual Interplay
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This volume features a body of work selected by Craig A. Evans, B. J. Oropeza, and Paul T. Sloan, designed to examine just what is meant by “intertextuality,” including metalepsis and the controversial and exciting approach known as “mimesis.” Beginning with an introduction from Oropeza that orients readers in a complex and evolving field, the contributors first establish the growing research surrounding the discipline before examining important texts and themes in the New Testament Gospels and epistles.
Throughout, these essays critically evaluate new proposals relating to intertextuality and the function of ancient Scripture in the writings that eventually came to comprise the New Testament. With points of analysis ranging from multidimensional recontextualization and ancient Midrash in the age of intertextuality to Luke’s Christology and multivalent biblical images, this volume amasses cutting-edge research on intertexuality and biblical exegesis.
Chapter 1. New Studies in Textual Interplay: An Introduction -- B.J. Oropeza, Azusa Pacific University, USA
Chapter 2. Ancient Midrash in the Age of Intertextuality -- B.J. Oropeza, Azusa Pacific University, USA
Chapter 3. Re-contextualization and the Multidimensional Approach to Scripture: Interpreting the Text of Matt 22:31–46 -- Erik Waaler, NLA University College, Norway
Chapter 4. Mimesis and Criticism -- Karl Olav Sandnes, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Norway
Chapter 5. Response to Karl Olav Sandnes -- Dennis R. MacDonald, Claremont School of Theology, USA
Chapter 6. Israel’s Last Prophet: Matthew 23:29–36 and the Intertextual Basis of Matthew’s Rejected Prophet Christology -- David L. Turner, Cornerstone University, USA
Chapter 7. The Good News of Isaiah and Rome in Mark 1:1 -- Adam Winn, Baylor University, USA
Chapter 8. For Everyone Shall Be Salted with Fire -- Paul T. Sloan, Houston Baptist University, USA
Chapter 9. Luke’s Christology in Light of Old Testament Lament Echoes -- Channing L. Crisler, Anderson University, USA
Chapter 10. The Marriage and Wedding Imagery of Jesus and Adam: The Intertextual Connection of John 19:23–37 and Genesis 2:18–25 -- Sunny Chen, Pilgrim Theological College, Australia
Chapter 11. Multivalent Biblical Images in the Fourth Gospel and the Patristic Verbum Abbreviatum -- William M. Wright IV, Duquesne University, USA
Chapter 12. The Covenant Curses, the Restoration, and the Inheritance of the Son: Jesus as Servant and Messiah in Gal 1:4 and Beyond -- Esau D. McCaulley, Northeastern Seminary, USA
Chapter 13. Lawlessness, Idolatry, and Apostasy in the Book of Deuteronomy and in 1 John: An Old Message in a New Setting -- Max Rogland, Erskine Theological Seminary, USA
Chapter 14. Final Reflection -- Steve Moyise, St Hild College, UK