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Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
ISBN: 9780567700469
Number of Pages: 512
Width: 16.9 cm
Height: 24.4 cm
The only comprehensive critical anthology of theological and historical aspects related to Florovsky’s thought by an international group of leading academics and church personalities. It is the only book in English translation of Florovsky’s key study in French – "The Body of the Living Christ: An Orthodox Interpretation of the Church". The contributors tackle a broad range of subjects that comprise the theological legacy of one of the most influential theologians of the twentieth century. The essays examine the life and work of Florovsky, his theology and theological methodology, as well as ecclesiology and ecumenism. A must-have volume for those who study Florovsky and his legacy.
Preface: His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I Foreword: John Zizioulas (Metropolitan of Pergamon, Ecumenical Patriarchate) Introduction: John Chryssavgis and Brandon Gallaher. PART I GEORGES FLOROVSKY: LIFE AND WORK 1.The Theological Legacy of Archpriest Georges Florovsky Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew 2.The Diachronic Significance of Fr. Georges Florovsky’s Theological Contribution Metropolitan John (Zizioulas) of Pergamon 3.Three Witnesses: Bulgakov, Florovsky, Lossky* Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia 4.Georges Florovsky and the Sophiological Controversy* Alexis Klimoff 5.Georges Florovsky and Sergius Bulgakov: "In Peace Let Us Love One Another” Paul Ladouceur 6.Father Georges Florovsky and Archimandrite Sophrony Sakharov: A Theological Encounter Nikolai Sakharov 7.The Newly Published Correspondence between Fr. Georges Florovsky and Fr. Alexander Schmemann: Reflections on Leadership Paul L. Gavrilyuk 8.A “Theology of Facts”: Christ in the Theological Thought of Fr. Georges Florovsky and Fr. John Meyendorff Joost van Rossum PART II NEOPATRISTIC SYNTHESIS: THEOLOGY AND METHODOLOGY 9.“Waiting for the Barbarians”: Identity and Polemicism in the Neopatristic Synthesis of Georges Florovsky* Brandon Gallaher 10.Neopatristic Synthesis and Ecumenism: Toward the “Reintegration” of Christian Tradition* Matthew Baker (+2015) 11.The Ecclesial Hellenism of Fr. Georges Florovsky* Christos Yannaras 12.The Emergence of the Neopatristic Synthesis: Content, Challenges, Limits* Marcus Plested 13.Christian Hellenism in the Neopatristic Synthesis of Archpriest Georges Florovsky Metropolitan Chrysostomos (Savvatos) of Messinia 14.Apophaticism, Cataphaticism, Mystical Theology and the Christian Hellenism of Fr. Georges Florovsky* Pantelis Kalaitzidis 15.Florovsky’s “Predicament of the Christian Historian” and the Orthodox Church’s Predicament with History Today Vassa Larin 16.From Synthesis to Symphony John Behr PART III THEOLOGY AND ECCLESIOLOGY:HISTORY AND MISSION 17.Beginning with Christ: the Key to Anthropology in the Dogmatic Work of Florovsky Alexis Torrance 18.Creatio ex nihilo and creatio ex amore: Florovsky, Bulgakov, and Zizioulas in Dialogue on Theological Methodology Nikolaos Asproulis 19.Ecclesiology in Relation to History: Church and World in the Christian Vision of Fr. Georges Florovsky Will Cohen 20.Overcoming Florovsky’s Opposition of the Charismatic to the Canonical in “On the Limits of the Church”* Alexander Rentel 21.Fr. Georges Florovsky and Mission: Witness “To,” “With,” or “Beyond” “Sacred Hellenism”? Athanasios N. Papathanasiou 22.The Timeliness of the Patristic Thought, and the Contribution of Fr. Georges Florovsky to Contemporary Theological Dialogue Metropolitan Gennadios (Limouris) of Sassima 23.Georges Florovsky and the World Council of Churches Archbishop Job (Getcha) of Telmessos 24.Fr Georges Florovsky’s Understanding of the New Mission in the West Ivana Noble PART IV THE BODY OF THE LIVING CHRIST: AN ORTHODOX INTERPRETATION OF THE CHURCH 25.Introduction to Georges Florovsky’s The Body of the Living Christ: An Orthodox Interpretation of the Church Robert M. Arida 26.The Body of the Living Christ: An Orthodox Interpretation of the Church331 Georges Florovsky Bibliography Index

The Rev. Dr John Chryssavgis (Office of Ecumenical and Inter-Faith Affairs of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, USA), Dr Brandon Gallaher (University of Exeter, UK)

John Chryssavgis is Archdeacon of the Ecumenical Throne and Honorary Professor of Theology at the Sydney College of Divinity, Australia. Brandon Gallaher is a Deacon of the Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain, and Senior Lecturer of Systematic and Comparative Theology at the University of Exeter, UK.

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