Encountering the Parables in Contexts Old and New
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The contributors to this book pursue three important lines of inquiry into parable study, in order to illustrate how these lessons have been received throughout the millennia. The contributors consider not only the historical and material world of the parables’ composition, and focusing on the social, political, economic, and material reality of that world, but also seek to connect how the parables may have been seen and heard in ancient contexts with how they have been, and continue to be, seen and heard.
Intentionally allowing for a “bounded openness” of approach and interpretation, these essays explore numerous contexts, encounters and responses. Examining topics ranging from ancient harvest imagery and dependency relations to contemporary experience with the narratives and lessons of the parables, this volume seeks to link those very real ancient contexts with our own varied modern contexts.
Introduction: Encountering the Parables - T.E. Goud, University of New Brunswick in Saint John, Canada, J.R.C. Cousland, University of British Columbia, Canada, John P. Harrison, Oklahoma Christian University, USA
Chapter Two: Many-fold Yields by Polyvalent Interpretation: The Parable of the Mustard Seed in the Synoptic Tradition - Ruben Zimmermann, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Germany
Chapter Three: Harvest Imagery in Q Parables - Dieter Roth, Boston College, USA
Chapter Four: Written and Unwritten Obligations: Dependency Relations in Early Roman Galilee - Douglas Oakman, Pacific Lutheran University, USA
Chapter Five: A Realistic Reading of the Parable of the Lost Coin in Q: Gaining or Losing Even More? - Ernest van Eck, the University of Pretoria, South Africa
Chapter Six: In Ferment: Is Jesus’ Parable of the Leaven - J.R.C. Cousland, University of British Columbia, Canada
Chapter Seven: Telling Stories in a Violent World - T.E. Goud, University of New Brunswick in Saint John, Canada
Chapter Eight: Oikodespótis, Kýrios, and Vasiléfs: Identifying Those with Slaves in Matthean Parables in Light of the Literary Evidence and Realia of Roman Palestine in the 1st Century - John P. Harrison, Oklahoma Christian University, USA
Chapter Nine: Whose Voices Matter? A Persistent Widow in a Polyphonic Parable (Luke 18:1–8) - Ellen Reinertsen, University of Oslo, Norway
Chapter Ten: Mirroring and Echoing: The Blend between Reflection of Reality and Evocation of Tradition in Jesus’ Parables - Stephen Wright, Spurgeon’s College, UK
Chapter Eleven: The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard or of a Just Manager? - Deborah Storie, Stirling Theological College, Australia
Chapter Twelve: Twenty Years of Experiencing the Parables in/of Africa - Glenna Jackson, Otterbein University, USA
Chapter Thirteen: Encountering the Parables: Appreciation and Critique - Mary Ann Beavis, University of Saskatchewan, Canada