Postmodern God
A Theological Reader
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Introduction or, A Guide to Theological Thinking in Cyberspace: Graham Ward.
Part I: Selected Texts:.
1. Georges Bataille (1897-1962): Introduction.
Bataille Text: From Theory of Religion: Craig James (University of Cambridge).
2. Jacques Lacan (1901-1981): Introduction.
Text: The Death of God: Cleo McNelly Kearns (Rutgers University and New Brunswick Theological Seminary).
3. Emmanuel Levinas (1906-1995): Introduction.
Text: God and Philosophy: Robert Gibbs (University of Toronto).
4. Roland Barthes (1915-1980): Introduction.
Text: Wrestling with the Angel: Textual Analysis of Genesis 32: Valentine Cunningham (Oxford University).
5. René Girard (b.1923): Introduction.
Text: The God of Victims: Gerard Loughlin (University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne).
6. Michel Foucault (1926-1984): Introduction.
Text: From The History of Sexuality:Mary McClintock Fulkerson and Susan J. Dunlop (Both Duke Divinity School, North Carolina USA).
7. Michel de Certeau (1925-1986): Introduction.
Text : How is Christianity Thinkable Today? and White Ecstasy: Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt (Loyola University, Baltimore USA).
8. Jacques Derrida (b.1930): Introduction.
Text: From How to Avoid Speaking: Kevin Hart (Monash University).
9. Luce Irigaray (b.1930): Introduction.
Text: Equal to Whom?: Grace M. Jantzen (University of Manchester).
10. Julie Kristeva (b.1941): Introduction.
Text: From In the Beginning was Love: Pamela Sue Anderson (University of Sunderland).
Part II: Selected Essays: .
11. From Patriarchy into Freedom: A Conversation between American Feminist Theology and French Feminism: Rebecca S. Chopp (Emory University, Georgis USA).
12. Liturgy and Kenosis, from Expérience et Absolu: Jean-Yves Lacoste.
13. Postmodern Critial Augustinianism: A Short Summa in Forth-two Responses to Unasked Questions: John Milbank (Peterhouse, Cambridge).
14. Metaphysics and Phenomenology: A Summary for Theologians: Jean-Luc Marion (University of Paris X Nanterre).
15. Asyndeton: Syntax and Insanity. A Study of the Revision of Nicene Creed: Catherine Pickstock (Emmanuel College, Cambridge).
16. New Jerusalem, Old Athens, from The Broken Middle: Gillian Rose (late of the University of Warwick).
17. Saintliness and Some Aporias of Postmodernism, from Saints and Postmodernism: Edith Wyschogrod (Queens College, City University of New York).