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Philippians and Galatians

Philippians and Galatians

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: Westminster/John Knox Press,U.S.
ISBN: 9780664501020
Number of Pages: 128
Published: 01/11/2001
Width: 15.2 cm
Height: 22.9 cm
The letters to the Philippians and to the Galatians both illustrate the passion and intensity of Paul's writing. The letter to the Philappians is perhaps Paul's warmest letter, using the language of partnership, joy and humility. Galatians, in contrast, reveals frustion and anger and lacks the expression of thanksgiving typically found near the beginning of Paul's letters. Together these writings provide a compelling portrait of a theologian of rare power and insight whose legacy continues to spark lively debate in the church today.

Stanley P. Saunders

Stanley Saunders is Associate Professor of New Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia.

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