The PCC Member's Essential Guide
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This accessible and informative guide sets out in the simplest and most direct terms what being a PCC member entails.
It answers the following questions and more: * What is a PCC? * What jobs does it have to do? * Who will I meet on a PCC? * How does it fit in to the bigger picture? * How do the meetings run? * Who decides the agenda? * What does a PCC member's year look like? * What will my role be and how should I prepare? What else am I letting myself in for? * What about legal aspects: money, faculties, administration, and other technical things?
Although focused on responsible business, it keeps the focus throughout on mission and Christian living.
Some books are hundreds of pages long but tell you very little; by contrast this one is only short, but is packed full of useful information! This is a really important book which will be a huge help to those new to the PCC or considering standing for the PCC (and perhaps also for those who have been on it for a while but not yet quite worked out what's going on!). It's clear and easy to read and therefore very accessible for everyone. It gives all the 'need to know' information but never forgets that underneath all that what we're about as church and as the PCC is mission, and the kingdom of God. Mark has also included some great prayer resources which can be used individually or corporately. I'm delighted that Mark has written this book, and I will make sure that I buy it in bulk and give a copy to all new PCC members each year! -- Revd Canon Kate Wharton Area Dean of Liverpool North Deanery
Clear, simple, prayerful and with a sense of humour, this is essential reading for new PCC members and a valuable resource for existing PCCs, vicars, and anyone who wants to know what a PCC is and does. Ideally, every PCC in the land should get a copy for each member and study it together! -- Miranda Threlfall-Holmes
Mark Tanner is someone who loves the Church of England and yet recognises barriers that can prevent the church being released in the mission - the Handbook for PCC Members breaks down many of these barriers. Whether you're a new or a disillusioned PCC member, or a first-time incumbent wrestling with your PCC, this book will breathe life and vision into your PCC and your role on it. Mark empowers PCC members by providing relevant information with clear explanation so that what can seem confusing and complicated rules and structures become tools to use effectively. Then his practical suggestions, guidance and prayers show how PCCs can give wise, God-focussed, & hope-filled leadership to a local church through the PCC. I commend it to you. -- John McGinley New Wine Regional Director, Midlands & East