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Common Worship: Main Volume President's Edition (Calfskin)

Services and Prayers for the Church of England

Common Worship: Main Volume President's Edition (Calfskin)

Services and Prayers for the Church of England

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Leather / fine binding


Publisher: Church House Publishing
ISBN: 9780715120194
Number of Pages: 784
Published: 09/11/2000
Width: 22 cm
Height: 30.3 cm

*Please note this is the 2000 unrevised text*

The Common Worship Main Volume President’s Edition is a large, A4 volume, designed to be used by those presiding at Holy Communion. It contains Eucharistic material from the original Main Volume alongside additional content, such as further prayers, collects, seasonal variations and music. Where the contents of the President’s Edition overlaps with the original Main Volume, dual pagination is provided.


  • The Calendar
  • Holy Baptism (includes Seasonal Prayers not in the main volume)
  • Collects and Post Communions in Contemporary and Traditional Language (includes Festivals, Lesser Festivals and Special Occasions which are not in the main volume)
  • Holy Communion
  • Supplementary Material
  • Seasonal Provisions (with additional short prefaces not in the main volume)
  • Provisions for Pastoral Services including Wholeness and Healing, Marriage and Funerals
  • Music for Eucharistic Prayers and Prefaces

Please note that, unlike other editions of the Main Volume, the President’s Edition does NOT contain Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child, A Service of the Word, Morning, Evening and Night Prayer, the Litany, the Psalter, the Lectionary, or Canticles.

Authorization; Introduction; The Declaration of Assent; The Calendar [includes tables showing the date of Easter and lectionary years]; Holy Baptism; Penitential Material from Holy Communion; Authorized Forms of Confession and Absolution; Collects and Post Communions [includes Festivals, Lesser Festivals and Special Occasions which are not in the main volume]; Collects and Post Communions in Traditional Language; Gospel Acclamations for Ordinary Time; Creeds and Authorized Affirmations of Faith; Forms of Intercession; Collects and Other Endings for Intercession; Holy Communion including A Form of Preparation, Order One, Eucharistic Prayers, Order One in Traditional Language, Order Two, Order Two in Contemporary Language; Introductions to the Peace; Prayers at the Preparation of the Table; Prefaces; Words at the Giving of Communion; Supplementary Consecration; Blessings; Seasonal Provisions; Provisions for Holy Baptism; Provisions for Pastoral Services including Wholeness and Healing, Marriage and Funerals; Notes to Holy Communion; Music; Authorization Details

Church of England

The Church of England uses two complementary sets of services authorised by the Church of England's canon law - Common Worship and the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. Common Worship (2000-2008) employs a more modern turn of phrase than the Book of Common Prayer, with vibrant images that seek to connect the biblical tradition with people's own experiences. It provides a common structure for Church of England services, but with a large variety of prayers, readings and resources that allow churches to tailor their services to their own setting.

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