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World-Shaped Mission

Reimagining Mission Today

World-Shaped Mission

Reimagining Mission Today

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Publisher: Church House Publishing
ISBN: 9780715142905
Number of Pages: 128
Published: 30/06/2012
Width: 14.8 cm
Height: 21 cm

In the past, world mission in the Church of England largely meant working through independent Anglican agencies such as CMS and USPG. Today, the picture is very different. Many dioceses and even some parishes have their own companion links with partner churches in the Anglican Communion and there have been major shifts in the way that mission itself is understood.

The distinction between 'home' and 'world' mission is blurred, and separating 'mission' from 'development' is no longer straightforward. Christian Aid, Tearfund and other agencies are now part of the wider pattern, and much of the church's mission now involves close working with other denominations. It is clear that the way we talk about world mission needs to develop.

This landmark study is the result of a three year project by the Mission and Public Affairs Division of the Archbishops' Council to 'develop a new, better, narrative of mission' for the church. It is the fruit of close consultation with mission and development agencies, dioceses and others engaged in mission activity. World Shaped Mission will reconfigure the way the church talks about, and practices, mission in the world today.

Janice Price

Janice Price is World Mission Policy Adviser for the Church of England.

'This is a profoundly inspirational contribution to our understanding of mission in the twenty-first century. Its development has engaged many in the Church in a process of deep reflection and listening to others' missional vision, including its relationship with development. This excellent resource will challenge and inspire us to deepen our own response and value the responses of others to God's mission in the world.' -- The Revd Rachel Carnegie, Archbishop of Canterbury's Secretary for International Development

'The love of God in Christ for the seven billion people on our planet is beyond doubt. What is under question is how the Church of England can best contribute to world mission at this time. This book maps a wide range of issues critical to this concern, offers a theological critique and raises salient questions for further discussion. A 'must-buy' for those interested in Anglican world mission.' -- The Revd John Dunnett, General Director, CPAS

'World-Shaped Mission is a much-needed resource as the Church of England works through its past and, together with our partners, shapes future world mission relationships. It arises out of a deep process of reflection and wide consultation. I wholeheartedly commend it.' -- Janette O'Neill, Chief Executive, USPG

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