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Boston's Cardinal

Bernard Law, the Man and His Witness

Boston's Cardinal

Bernard Law, the Man and His Witness

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Publisher: Lexington Books
ISBN: 9780739103401
Number of Pages: 368
Published: 23/04/2002
Width: 15.6 cm
Height: 23.5 cm
Boston's Cardinal, a portrait of one of the most respected and influential leaders of the Catholic Church, provides a unique view of the Church in the modern world. Ever since the 1960s, when he spoke out courageously for racial justice as a young priest in Mississippi, Bernard Law has witnessed and participated in many of the struggles and events that have shaped American and Church history. An unusual childhood spent mainly in Latin America and the Caribbean prepared him for a vocation that has been marked from the beginning by outreach across racial, religious, and national boundaries. A gifted writer, Law recorded his reflections in the columns, speeches, and homilies that are assembled here. The book thus provides valuable insight into the man whom many consider to be the quintessential post-Vatican II bishop—and into the role of the Catholic hierarchy in a time of social, political, and ecclesiastical turbulence. With the growing salience of religion in American public life, these writings on such topics as "being Catholic and American," the Gulf War, urban violence, Northern Ireland, relations with Cuba, welfare, and affordable housing will be of interest to all who are concerned with advancing religiously grounded moral viewpoints in a pluralistic society.

Romanus Cessario, Mary Ann Glendon

Romanus Cessario, O.P. is Professor of Systematic Theology at St. John's Seminary in Brighton, Massachusetts. Mary Ann Glendon is the Learned Hand Professor of Law at Harvard Law School.

Boston's Cardinal is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the recent influence of the Catholic Church in America or, for that matter, the profound relationship in our time between faith and culture. Anyone who reads this book will reap the benefit of a lesson in Catholic Church history, and also will meet one of its most distinguished prelates. -- Carl A. Anderson, Supreme Knight, Knights of Columbus Bernard Francis Law, one of the most influential churchmen of his generation, has important things to say about the Catholic Church, America, ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue, and world politics at the dawn of a new millennium. Through his own words, and thanks to a fine introductory biographical essay, we meet Boston's Cardinal in a way he's not been met before-and we are enriched by the encounter.... -- George Weigel Cardinal Bernard Law is a great leader of the Catholic Church both nationally and internationally. He is a wonderful friend to the Jewish community and as this book makes very clear, he has a profound concern for the needs of every human being..... -- Rabbi Samuel Chiel, Rabbi Emeritus, Temple Emanuel, Newton Cardinal Bernard Law is a great leader of the Catholic Church both nationally and internationally. He is a wonderful friend to the Jewish community and as this book makes very clear, he has a profound concern for the needs of every human being. -- Rabbi Samuel Chiel, Rabbi Emeritus, Temple Emanuel, Newton Bernard Francis Law, one of the most influential churchmen of his generation, has important things to say about the Catholic Church, America, ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue, and world politics at the dawn of a new millennium. Through his own words, and thanks to a fine introductory biographical essay, we meet Boston's Cardinal in a way he's not been met before-and we are enriched by the encounter. -- George Weigel

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