In Times of Crisis and Sorrow
A Minister's Manual Resource Guide
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Foreword xi
James Cox
Acknowledgments xiii
Introduction: Ministry in Difficult Times 1
Part One: Understanding Ministry In Times of Crisis and Sorrow 5
1 Theological Foundations of Ministry to the Bereaved 7
2 Communities of Faith: The Contexts of Crisis and Sorrow 22
3 Funerals and Other Memorial Services 39
4 Is There Any Word from the Lord? Services for Difficult Times 61
5 Pastoral Care Issues 78
Part Two: Resources For Times of Crisis and Sorrow From The Minister’s Manual and Elsewhere 103
Sermons and Sermon Briefs 107
Biographical Messages 108
Funeral Sermon for Jimmy Marius, by E. M. Sherwood 108
Funeral Sermon for a Christian Mother, by M.K.W. Heicher 110
Funeral Sermon for Edward McDowell, by Richard Parkes 111
Funeral Sermon for Joyce K. Voth, by Dennis K. Hagstrom 112
Funeral Sermon for a Child, by Dan S. Lloyd 114
Funeral Sermon for a Little Child, by Martha Berg 115
Funeral Sermon for Christopher, by Alan Hoskins 117
Funeral Sermon for a Suicide, by W. Guy Delaney 120
Scripture-Centered Messages 122
The God of the Living, by M.K.W. Heicher 123
Things Missing in Heaven, by John Henry Jowett 124
The God of Comfort, by H. Stephan Shoemaker 125
How Shall We Think of Our Christian Dead? By Wallace Alston 126
Encounter with Grief, by Harold Blake Walker 127
A Better Country, by M.K.W. Heicher 127
The Death of His Saints, by M.K.W. Heicher 129
Dearer Than Life, by Rev. Dr. F. S. Downs 130
Not Made with Hands, by David Albert Farmer 131
The Lord of Our Days, by Paul R. House 133
Moving Day: Funeral Sermon for One Who Died Following a Long Illness, by J. Gregory Crofford 134
Our Very Present Help, by David Albert Farmer 135
Lectionary-Balanced Messages 137
The Resurrection and the Life, by G. Allen West Jr. 138
Memorial Sermon for Jackson Blanchard, by Carol M. Norén 140
Funeral Sermon for Les, by Sally Gill 142
Funeral Sermon for Edward J. Cullman, by Dennis K. Hagstrom 144
A Christmas Message of Peace, by Jim Holladay 146
Funeral Sermon for Thomas Ackerman, by Dennis K. Hagstrom 148
Sunday Messages 150
The Life to Come, by Wayne E. Ward 150
Yes, God Can, by Jerry Hayner 151
What Happens After We Die? by Stephens G. Lytch 152
Dying in the Lord, by M.K.W. Heicher 154
Ain’t No Grave Gonna Hold This Body Down, by Joy J. Hoffman 155
Our Inheritance of Hope, by George McDonald 158
Things Missing in Heaven, by John Henry Jowett 159
Though He Slay Me, Yet Will I Trust Him, by John Banks 159
Eternal Life, by Karl Barth 166
When Death Comes, by Brian L. Harbour 166
Sermons for Times of Crisis 168
A Very Present Help, by M.K.W. Heicher 168
Columbine, by Dennis K. Hagstrom 169
They Said So! by James M. Wilson 172
The Heroism of Going On, by M.K.W. Heicher 174
Suffering Triumphantly, by Rev. Arthur 175
Holding It Together, by James. M. Wilson 176
Remembrance of the Dead, by Grace Donovan 179
The Cost of Being Found, by Carol M. Norén 180
Sermon Outlines 184
There Is a River, by M.K.W. Heicher 184
Life’s Record, by J. G. 185
On Knowing God, by M.K.W. Heicher 185
The Evergreen Disciple, by J.O.D 186
The Difference Christ Makes, by Lance Webb 186
Comfort for Mourners, by H. M. Ratliff Jr. 186
A Funeral Meditation, by M.K.W. Heicher 187
Sermon Illustrations and Poetry 187
Illustrations for Preaching 188
Poetry 207
Opening Sentences and Calls to Worship 223
For Services of Crisis or Sorrow 223
For Funerals 224
For the Funeral of a Stillborn Child, Infant, or Child 226
For a Suicide 226
Scripture Readings 228
Invocations and Opening Prayers 235
For Funerals or Crisis-Related Services 235
For Funerals 236
Benedictions 238
Pastoral Prayers 242
For Funerals or Crisis-Related Services 243
For Cleansing or Reconsecration of Things Profaned 243
For Funerals and Memorial Services 244
Liturgical Resources for Pastoral Care 246
Commital Prayers 252
Resources for Funerals of Children 257
Scripture Readings 258
Hymns 258
Prayers for a Miscarriage, Stillborn Child, or Infant 258
Prayers for a Child 260
Music 265
Hymns from Denominational and Other Major Hymnbooks 265
Other Music Resources 278
Notes 283
Bibliography 295
Glossary 305
The Author 311
Indexes 313
Name Index 313
Poetry Index 317
Topical Index 321