Church Unique
How Missional Leaders Cast Vision, Capture Culture, and Create Movement
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About Leadership Network xvii
Foreword xix
Introduction xxi
PART ONE Recasting Vision
1. Unoriginal Sin: Neglecting Uniqueness 5
2. The Fall of Strategic Planning: Obscuring the Essence 17
3. The Iniquity of Church Growth: Caging the Kingdom 27
4. Lost Congregations: How Churches Adapt to the Vision Vacuum 40
PART TWO Clarifying Vision
5. The Good News of Clarity: Why Believe in Vision Today? 51
6. Clarity Pre-Evangelism: Softening Your Heart for Clarity 61
7. The Alpha and Omega of Clarity: The Ultimate Source of Vision 69
8. Hear the Cloud of Witnesses: Learning from Vision Legacies 75
9. Discover Your Kingdom Concept: How to Ascertain Vision 83
10. Take a Closer Look: Navigating Your Discovery Process 99
PART THREE Articulating Vision
11. See with New Eyes: Defining Your Vision Frame 111
12. Carry the Holy Orders: Mission as Missional Mandate 119
13. Feel the Common Heartbeat: Values as Missional Motives 128
14. Show Me the Way: Strategy as Missional Map 136
15. Talk the Walk: Measures as Missional Life Marks 151
16. Frame the Future: Preparing for a Vision Lifestyle 164
17. Speak with New Tongues: Articulating Vision Proper 178
PART FOUR Advancing Vision
18. Wage War Against the Status Quo: From Articulation to Traction 197
19. Meet Long in the Upper Room: The Secret of Attunement 207
20. Transform the Future: Delivering Vision Daily Parting Thoughts 215
21. Resurrect Your Uniqueness: If You Copy Someone Else’s Vision, Who Will Accomplish Yours? 234
Appendix A Logos and Strategy Icon Examples 237
Appendix B Vision Path Examples 243
Notes 247
Bibliography 255
Acknowledgments 259
About the Author 261
Index 263