Pragmatic Historicism
A Theology for the Twenty-first Century
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1. Histories and Contexts
Preliminary Remarks
Pluralistic Modernity
Directions in and Challenges to Twentieth-Century Theology
Emergent Historicism
Current Historicist Theological Options
2. Theological Roads Not Taken
Preliminary Remarks
George Lindbeck and Postliberalism
David Tracy and Revisionist Theology
Toward Pragmatic Historicism
3. Historicism and Human Worldviews
Assumptions and Theories
Conversation Partners
Cosmological and Anthropological Presuppositions
Concluding Comments
4. Theology in a Historicist Perspective
Preliminary Comments
Historicist Theology as Imaginative Construction
Historicist Theology as Metaphorical Elaboration
Toward a More Consistent Historicism
A Pragmatic Historicism
5. Philosophical Fellow Travelers: Rorty, Stout, and West
Philosophical Pragmatism
Richard Rorty
Jeffrey Stout
Cornel West
6. Conclusion: Beyond Luck and Weapons
The Move to Normative Judgments
Revisiting the Relation of Past and Present
Procedural Pragmatism: Reentering the Public Arena
In the Face of Multiple Voices
The Content of Pragmatic Norms
Tragedy and Hope