Passion for the Impossible
John D. Caputo in Focus
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Saints and Postmodernism: Introduction
1. God and Anonymity: Prolegomena to an Ankhoral Religion
John D. Caputo
2. The Becoming Possible of the Impossible: An Interview with Jacques Derrida
Mark Dooley
A Game of Jacks: A Response to Derrida
John D. Caputo
3. Reflections on Caputo's Heidegger and Aquinas
W. Norris Clarke, S.J.
Nuptial Realism: A Response to Clarke
John D. Caputo
4. Heidegger's Fall
William J. Richardson, S.J.
The Heart of Concealment: A Response to Richardson
John D. Caputo
5. Khora or God?
Richard Kearney
Abyssus Abyssum Invocat: A Response to Kearney
John D. Caputo
6. A Reading of John D. Caputo's "God and Anonymity"
Lewis Ayres
The Violence of Ontology: A Response to Ayres
John D. Caputo
7. Postmodernism and Ethics: The Case of Caputo
Merold Westphal
"O felix culpa," This Foxy Fellow Felix: A Response to Westphal
John D. Caputo
8. Squaring the Hermeneutic Circle: Caputo as Reader of Foucault
Thomas R. Flynn
Hounding Hermeneutics: A Response to Flynn
John D. Caputo
9. In Praise of Prophesy: Caputo on Rorty
Mark Dooley
Achieving the Impossible?Rorty's Religion: A Response to Dooley
John D. Caputo
10. Faith, Hope, and Love: Radical Hermeneutics as a Pauline Philosophy of Religion
B. Keith Putt
Holding on by Our Teeth: A Response to Putt
John D. Caputo
11. Caputo's Example
Thomas A. Carlson
On Being Left without a Prayer: A Response to Carlson
John D. Caputo
12. The Prayers and Tears of Jacques Derrida: Esoteric Comedy and the Poetics of Obligation
Cleo McNelly Kearns
Not in Tongues, but Tongue in Cheek: A Response to Kearns
John D. Caputo
13. Without Why, Without Whom: Thinking Otherwise with John D. Caputo
Edith Wyschogrod
On Being Attached to Philosophers and Prophets: A Response to Wyschogrod
John D. Caputo