Days of the Lord
Easter Triduum, Easter Season
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Days of the Lord is an excellent guide to the riches of the Church's liturgy, and a welcome companion to the Sacramentary, the Liturgy of the Hours, and the Lectionary.
First published in Belgium, this outstanding seven volume series will enable all Christians to enter into the mystery of the liturgical year, to pray with understanding, to proclaim the beauty and wealth of the liturgy.
More than a thorough commentary on the readings, more even than a reflection on the liturgical seasons, this series comprehends the totality of the liturgical year-that vehicle developed by the Church to express, summarize, and present "the whole mystery of Christ," the mystery that we are called to profess and celebrate every day.
Since this mystery belongs to all Christians, the writers of this series have written their reflections with the average reader in mind. Yet the knowledge and insight that they bring to this work make it invaluable even to those who are themselves well versed students of the liturgical calendar. Readers will come away not only with a greater understanding of the liturgical year, its structure and meaning, but with a deepened appreciation of the prayer life the liturgical year provides through its structure.
The Easter Triduum 1
Chrism Mass: Sacramentally Marked with the Anointing of Christ 6
Holy Thursday: The Last Supper 14
Good Friday: The Lord's Passion 23
The Easter Celebrations 37
Easter Vigil: Christ Is Risen! 39
The Liturgy of Light 41
The Liturgy of the Word 42
The Liturgy of Baptism 63
Easter Sunday: The Last Day of the Easter Triduum 67
The Fifty Days of Easter 77
Second Sunday of Easter 84
Years A, B, C: Paschal Faith 85
Year A: The Church—Paschal Community 91
Year B: Community, Faith, and Hope 97
Year C: The Presence of Christ in the Community 103
Third Sunday of Easter 107
Year A: Raised According to Scripture, Recognized in the Breaking of the Bread 107
Year B: He Is Living In Our Midst 116
Year C: Church of the Resurrected and Witness of the Apostles 124
Fourth Sunday of Easter 133
Year A: The Paschal Exodus in the Wake of Christ 133
Year B: Children of God Under the Staff of Christ 140
Year C: The Great Multitude Gathered by the True Shepherd 147
Fifth Sunday of Easter 153
Year A: The Risen Jesus—the Way and the Truth and the Life—the Cornerstone 153
Year B: Live On in Me and Bear Fruit! 162
Year C: "A Little While . . . Now . . . Soon" 170
Sixth Sunday of Easter 178
Year A: The Spirit—Presence of the Lord 178
Year B: The Love of the Lord Fills the Universe 184
Year C: The Church of the Risen Lord and the Life of the Spirit 193
The Ascension of the Lord 203
Years A, B, C: You Will Be My Witnesses to the End of the World 205
Year A: Christ Raised to Heaven, Present in the Church 210
Year B: Christ Raised to Heaven, and the Church— His Body 216
Year C: Christ, Our Hope, Raised to Heaven 221
Seventh Sunday of Easter 227
Year A: Thanksgiving Prayer of Christ and the Church 226
Year B: The Lord Dwells with His Own 233
Year C: Behold Christ, Standing at the Right Hand of God 240
Pentecost 249
Vigil Mass: Drawing Life from the Wellspring of the Spirit 251
Sunday Mass—Pentecost 268
Years A, B, C: The Spirit Makes One People of All Nations 270
Year A: Gift of the Risen Christ and Spirit for the Common Good 275
Year B: Witnesses of Christ with the Holy Spirit 281
Year C: The Spirit of the Father in the Lord's Prayer 287
Everyday Pentecost 293
From Bethlehem to Emmaus 297
Notes 305