Christ in the Gospels of the Ordinary Sundays
Essays on the Gospel Readings of the Ordinary Sundays in the 3 Year Liturgical Cycle
Christ in the Gospels of the Ordinary Sundays
Essays on the Gospel Readings of the Ordinary Sundays in the 3 Year Liturgical Cycle
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In Christ in the Gospels of the Ordinary Sundays, Father Brown discusses the Gospels as they are used in "the Ordinary Time." It is the time the Church treats the Gospels consecutively and in detail, with Year A of the three-year cycle taking its readings from Matthew; Year B from Mark; and Year C from Luke.
Father Brown discusses how a Gospel was formed and explains what is distinctive about each of the four Gospels. Then he fits the Sunday readings, one by one, into an overall picture of each Gospel, showing how the Gospel shapes the narrative, its theological emphases, and what it says to readers. With such an overview, the Sunday selections may be read in context and interpreted in their original sequence.
During Ordinary time people turn from reflecting on the mystery of Christ to considering how that mystery affects their lives. In Christ in the Gospels of the Ordinary Sundays, Father Brown provides an overview of the meaning of the Gospels during the many weeks of Ordinary Time.
Chapters are "Understanding How Gospels Were Written and Their Use in the Sunday Liturgy," "The Gospel According to Matthew," "The Gospel According to Mark," "The Gospel According to Luke," and "The Gospel According to John."
Chapter 1 Understanding How Gospels Were Written and Their Use in the Sunday Liturgy 1
Chapter 2 The Gospel according to Matthew (Liturgical Year A) 16
Chapter 3 The Gospel according to Mark (Liturgical Year B) 38
Chapter 4 The Gospel according to Luke (Liturgical Year C) 58
Chapter 5 The Gospel according to John (Latter part of Lent; post Easter Season) 83
Table: The Use of the Gospels in the Sunday mass Lectionary 107
Indexes 109-10