Music in Christian Worship explores Charlotte Kroeker's conception of church music as sung prayer. Kroeker's lifelong experience with church music has allowed her to see that church music as sung prayer requires faithful theology, quality music, and accessibility for parishioners. Church music is interdisciplinary, requiring astute theologians, knowledgeable and competent musicians, and pastoral sensitivities for working with congregations.
In addition to addressing the overarching issues in sacred music and the church, Music in Christian Worshipdemonstrates that music as sung prayer requires much more than music alone and approaches church music from a unique perspective, stressing the theological, musical, and pastoral aspects of sacred music. Kroeker's work contains essays by various philosophers, theologians, musicians, and historians who have contributed much to the creation of dynamic music for worship. The result is a work that truly demonstrates how music can effectively serve the liturgy.
Charlotte Kroeker, PhD, is director of church music initiative at the Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame and a trained performance pianist and teacher.
Charlotte Kroeker, PhD, is director of church music initiative at the Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame and a trained performance pianist and teacher.
I recommend this book for your conversations around worship. It will . . . encourage you to think about what you do and to use the best resources that you have. It would be a good book for your Worship and Music Committee to read and discuss.Sanctus . . . those primarily charged with the selection and composition of music in the liturgy will undoubtedly obtain fresh insights and stimulation from encountering what these celebrated authors have to say on the subject of the role of music in the church today.Music and Liturgy Music in Christian Worship is by far the most helpful volume addressing the current complex of issues surrounding the choice of music for Christian worship to come across this reviewer's desk.Doxology Reading this book, whether as a musician, a liturgist, a theologian, a pastor, or a person in the pew will move us beyond facile answers to the more challenging process of careful and reflective discernment. The choice to enter this process bespeaks a willingness to be who we profess ourselves to be: a community of disciples gathered for worship, not of ourselves, but of the God who called us into being and who continually calls us to fuller being.Doxology Editor Charlotte Kroeker's collection of essays is a marvelous reminder that pastor, congregation, and musicians need to understand and respect one another. . . . [A]ny reader will have plenty to think about, agree with, and take away from this engaging volume.Liturgy, Hymnody, & Pulpit Quarterly Book Review This book, considered chapter by chapter, could well be used as the basis for a series of parish adult education or faith formation discussions.Pastoral Music This eminently helpful book aims to aid music ministers to address some of the most difficult questions we encounter in carrying out our ministry.Pastoral Music ...this little volume should be on every church musician's reading list.The Hymn