Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark
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Which came first: a coherent Passion story or the Gospel of Mark? Contemporary biblical scholarship is divided over this issue of how, exactly, the Passion story developed.
Whatever the shape of the story prior to Mark, it must have been imprinted with Christian experience as well as historical memory. Mark, in turn, felt free to retell and reinterpret that story for his own time and place. The Passion of Jesus was not only a story from the past but also, in the sufferings and hopes of the Christians of Mark's time, a living reality of the present.
The readers of this insightful work will find that the Passion of Jesus as told by Mark continues to hold meaning for the present.
Preface 7
Part I Preparation for the Passion
Introduction 15
I The Passion of the Baptist 16
II Plots Against Jesus' Life 20
A. The Plot in Galilee (3:6) 21
B. The Plot in Jerusalem (11:18) 24
III The Way of the Son of Man (8:22-10:52) 28
A. The Journey 30
B. The Disciples 31
C. The Cross as Revelation and Crisis 35
IV The Passion of the Community 37
Conclusion 39
Part II The Passion (Mark 14:1-15:47)
I Fidelity and Betrayal: The Passion Begins (14:1-10) 42
A. Time for the Plot (14:3-9) 43
B. The Burial Anointing (14:3-9) 44
C. Judas' Betrayal (14:10-11) 48
II The Final Passover (14:12-31) 49
A. Preparation for the Passover (14:12-17) 50
B. Prediction of Betrayal (14:18-21) 52
C. The Meal 53
D. Predictions of Discipleship Broken and Renewed (14:26-31) 62
III Gethsemane: Prayer and Arrest (14:32-52) 67
A. Prayer in Gethsemane (14:32-42) 69
B. The Arrest (14:43-52) 80
IV The Trial Before the Sanhedrin: Confession and Denial (Mark 14:53-72) 85
A. Jesus and Peter (14:53-54) 86
B. The Confession before Sanhedrin (14:55-65) 88
C. Peter's Denial (14:66-72) 102
V The Trial Before Pilate: Jesus the King (15:1-20a) 105
A. The Interrogation: "Are You the King of the Jews?" (15:1-5) 107
B. Jesus or Barabbas (15:6-14) 110
C. Mockery of the King (15:16-20) 112
VI Crucifixion and Death (Mark 15:20b-41) 114
A. Golgotha (15:20b-24) 115
B. Final Mockery (15:25-32) 117
C. Death (15:33-41) 121
VII The Tomb (15:42-47) 132
The End: The Passion as Prelude to Resurrection 135
Part III The Passion of Jesus: Mark's Message
The Passion and Mark's Portrait of Jesus 139
1. The death of Jesus is the climax of a life for others 139
2. In his passage from death to life, Jesus is proclaimed as the suffering yet triumphant Sone of Man 142
3. Jesus' death is a "theophany," revealing God's power at work in weakness 144
The Passion and Mark's Portrayal of the Church 148
1. The way of the disciple must be the way of the cross 148
2. The church, through the experience of the cross is to be a non-triumphant, reconciled church 150
3. The crisis of the passion reminds the church that it must be open to outsiders 153
4. The church is to be a living "Temple," open to all people and suffused with the spirit of the crucified Christ 155
5. The passion reveals that the redemptive mission of the church is world-wide and costly 156
Indexes 157