Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke
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The recent resurgence of scholarship on Luke's Gospel is due, in part, to this Gospel's special appeal for an age in which questions of economic justice, peace, and the prophetic role of the Churches questions all important in Luke are so urgent.
Father Senior's exegesis yields a strong sense of what Luke intended to communicate to his readers and, to some degree, what may have been the circumstances that shaped his message. He reveals the Luke who presents Jesus as a champion of the poor and marginalized, whose message of justice is proclaimed with a sharp prophetic edge.
Preface 7
Part I Preparation for the Death of Jesus
The Framework of Luke's Story 17
The Challenge of Justice
Breaking the Boundaries 23
The Rejected Prophet 28
The Test of Evil 31
The Destiny of the Christ: Jesus' Journey to God 35
Part II The Passion of Jesus
Overview of Luke's Passion Narrative 40
I Betrayal: The Plot Against Jesus is Set in Place (22:1-6) 41
II Passover: Jesus' Farewell to His Disciples (22:7-38) 49
III The Mount of Olives: Jesus' Struggle in Prayer (22:39-46) and his Arrest (22:47-53) 83
IV In the House of the High Priest: Denial (22:54-62) and Mockery (22:63-65) 93
V Rejection by the Leaders of Israel: Jesus before the Sanhedrin (22:66-71) 99
VI The Trial: Interrogation by Pilate (23:1-5), Displayed before Herod (23:6-120), Condemnation (23:13-25) 105
VII The Way of the Cross (23:26-32) 119
VIII Crucifixion and Death (23:33-49) 127
IX The Burial (23:50-56) 149
From Suffering to Glory: The End of Luke's Gospel 152
Part III The Passion of Jesus: Luke's Message
I The Passion and Luke's Portrait of Jesus 161
II The Passion and the Power of Darkness 171
III The Passion and the Community 173
IV The Passion and the Meaning of Death 177
Subject Index 180
Author Index 184
Biblical Reference Index 186