Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of John
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With this volume on John the Passion series concludes its study of the meaning of Jesus' death in each of the Gospels. But though last, it is certainly not less important or a repetition of the other Gospels. In fact, John's portrayal of the death is as distinctive and unique as the rest of this maverick" Gospel.
Father Senior explores how the rest of the Gospel prepares for the Passion story. He then gives a detailed analysis of the Passion narrative itself. Finally, he explores the theological motifs that dominate the Passion narrative. With scholarly finesse and deep pastoral awareness, he makes John's vibrant message of the Passion speak to our life and times.
"Part I Preparation for the Passion
I John's Theological Vision 15
II John's Literary Style 18
III The Framework of John's Story 20
Part II The Passion of Jesus
Introduction 45
I The Arrest: Jesus Confronts his Enemies (18:1-11) 46
II Jesus and Peter Tested: The Interrogation of Jesus by Annas and Calaphas, and the Denials of Peter 46
III Jesus on Trial (18:28-19:16) 68
IV Crucifixion and Death (19:17-37) 98
V Finale (19:38-42) 129
VI Triumph over Death: The Resurrection Appearances (John 20:1-21:25) 135
Part III The Passion of Jesus: John's Message
I The Passion and John's Portrayal of Jesus 144
II The Passion and John's Portrayal of the Life of Faith 159
Author Index 167
Subject Index 169
Scripture Index 172