In the course of a teaching and writing career cut too short, Mark Searle (1941-1992) provided a worthy contribution to the study of liturgy. The breadth of his liturgical interests and his desire to integrate a wide range of academic areas with the study of liturgy mark this scholar as a gifted thinker and author, arguably a pioneer. In Rehearsing God's Just Kingdom, Stephen S. Wilbricht explores Searle's basic conviction that liturgy represents, rehearses, and forms in its participants the essential commitments of the Christian community.
Searle called for the church's liturgy to be embraced as a rehearsal that is performed over and over, again and again, until it is practiced perfectly in the kingdom of heaven. In an age when so much depends on instant gratification and in which institutional commitment is often held in contempt, Searle's thinking provides an avenue for liturgical renewal that hinges upon a respect for and trust in ritual forms and behavior.
Stephen S. Wilbricht, CSC, is assistant professor of religious studies at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts. His work on liturgical topics has been published in several journals, including Worship, Catechumenate, and Pastoral Liturgy.
"If the realtor's mantra is 'location, location, location' about prized properties to be sold, the publisher's mantra is certainly 'timing, timing, timing' about the publication of an important book. This is an important book . . . and a highly engaging book." From the foreword by Rev. Msgr. Kevin W. Irwin The Catholic University of America "Stephen Wilbricht takes a fresh look at the Mass through the eyes of Mark Searle. Whether you are interested in liturgy, social justice, or the path to salvation, this book will expand the way you look at worship and life." Paul Turner Pastor, St. Anthony Parish, Kansas City, Missouri Facilitator, International Commission on English in the Liturgy "Mark Searle felt it necessary to relaunch the liturgical movement. Stephen Wilbricht has provided means to do just that with a study that illuminates Searle's rich pastoral vision of the liturgy-especially his ability to connect liturgy and life. This book brings Searle's scholarship and liturgical mystagogy to life and will no doubt encourage us to appreciate ever more deeply Searle's understanding of the liturgy as the 'rehearsal of Christian attitudes.'" John F. Baldovin, S.J. Professor of Historical & Liturgical Theology Boston College School of Theology & Ministry "Stephen Wilbricht provides an excellent entryway into Mark Searle's body of work, an extensive contribution to the work of liturgical study and Eucharistic theology in the Roman Catholic tradition. . . . Wilbricht does an excellent job of synthesizing Searle's work in accessible language and organized format."
Fransisco Garcia, Anglican Theological Review "This book lends itself to being used in many ways . very useful foundational text for any course on contemporary eucharistic celebration, while at the same time being reasonably accessible to anyone who wants to engage seriously with what the eucharist means for their Christian life."Kevin McGinnell