Simple Psalter for Year A
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2023 Association of Catholic Publishers Second Place Award, Distinguished Composer of the Year
Michael Joncas’s new Simple Psalter synthesizes elements of previous styles of psalm-singing into a new pattern of engaging these sacred texts. Using the new Abbey Psalms and Canticles, Joncas sets every responsorial psalm in the three-year Lectionary in settings that work equally well a cappella or with keyboard accompaniment. The antiphon for each setting may be sung in unison or enhanced with optional voice or instrument parts, and the verses are set to a Gelineau-inspired "pulsed" psalm tone, notated in proposed speech-rhythm. Additionally, the tones of the Simple Psalter respect form-critical studies of psalms, assigning them to particular categories (e.g., different tones for hymns of praise, songs of thanksgiving, communal laments, etc.). The Simple Psalter is divided into four volumes: one for solemnities, feasts, and other celebrations, and one each for years A, B and C.
Psalms for feast days and solemnities, such as Christmas and Easter, can be found in
Simple Psalter for Solemnities, Feasts, and Other Celebrations. Available at
First Sunday of Advent (Psalm 122: Let Us Go Rejoicing) 9
Second Sunday of Advent (Psalm 72: Justice Shall Flourish) 14
Third Sunday of Advent (Psalm 146: Lord, Come and Save Us) 18
Fourth Sunday of Advent (Psalm 24: Let the King Enter) 22
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph (Psalm 128: Blessed Are Those) 25
The Baptism of the Lord (Psalm 29: The Lord Will Bless) 28
First Sunday of Lent (Psalm 51: Be Merciful, O Lord) 32
Second Sunday of Lent (Psalm 33: Lord, Let Your Mercy) 36
Third Sunday of Lent (Psalm 95: If Today You Hear His Voice) 40
Fourth Sunday of Lent (Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd) 44
Fifth Sunday of Lent (Psalm 130: With the Lord There Is Mercy) 48
Second Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday (Psalm 118: Give Thanks to the Lord) 52
Third Sunday of Easter (Psalm 16: Lord, You Will Show Us) 56
Fourth Sunday of Easter (Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd) 61
Fifth Sunday of Easter (Psalm 33: Lord, Let Your Mercy) 66
Sixth Sunday of Easter (Psalm 66: Let All the Earth) 70
Seventh Sunday of Easter (Psalm 27: I Believe That I Shall See) 74
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 40: Here Am I, Lord) 78
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 27: The Lord Is My Light) 82
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 146: Blessed Are the Poor) 86
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 112: The Just Man Is a Light) 90
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 119: Blessed Are They Who Follow) 94
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 103: The Lord Is Kind) 98
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 62: Rest in God Alone) 102
Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 31: Lord, Be My Rock) 105
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 50: To the Upright) 108
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 100: We Are His People) 112
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 68: Lord, in Your Great Love) 116
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 89: For Ever I Will Sing) 120
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 145: I Will Praise Your Name Forever) 124
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 65: The Seed That Falls) 128
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 86: Lord, You Are Good and Forgiving) 132
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 119: Lord, I Love Your Commands) 136
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 145: The Hand of the Lord) 140
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 85: Lord, Let Us See Your Kindness) 143
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 67: O God, Let All the Nations Praise You) 146
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 138: Lord, Your Love Is Eternal) 150
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 63: My Soul Is Thirsting for You) 154
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 95: If Today You Hear His Voice) 158
Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 103: The Lord Is Kind and Merciful) 162
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 145: The Lord Is Near) 166
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 25: Remember Your Mercies, O Lord) 170
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 80: The Vineyard of the Lord) 174
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 23: I Shall Live in the House of the Lord) 178
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 96: Give the Lord Glory) 182
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 18: I Love You, Lord, My Strength) 188
Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 131: In You, Lord, I Have Found My Peace) 192
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 63: My Soul Is Thirsting for You) 196
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 128: Blessed Are Those) 200
Solemnity of Christ the King / Thirty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd) 204