Voices in the Desert
10 Sessions
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This study has 10 sessions, incorporating an introductory session and 9 lessons. The Study Set includes the Study Guide by Catherine Upchurch, and the Collegeville Bible Commentary, Amos, Hosea, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, by Carroll Stuhlmueller, C.P. (Liturgical Press). Note that only the first three prophets dealt with in the commentary are part of the study.
Carroll Stuhlmueller, CP, was professor of Old Testament at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, a widely published author on biblical scholarship, and a mentor to a generation of biblical scholars. His association with The Liturgical Press included being editor of "The Bible Today," the author of Psalms 1 and 2, of the Message of Biblical Theology series, and founding editor of The Collegeville Pastoral Dictionary of Biblical Theology.
In the Bible, the primary role of the prophet is to speak for God, to see and hear as God sees and hears, and then to pronounce words of correction and hope. Amos represents the preaching of a southern prophet condemning the injustice of the Northern Kingdom, Israel, around 760 B.C. about forty years before the destruction of that kingdom to the Assyrians. Hosea represents the preaching of a prophet in the same kingdom, beginning about ten years after Amos and concluding just a few years before the northern kingdom's fall. Hosea's prophecies are rich with the imagery of Israel as an unfaithful spouse of God. Micah preached in the southern kingdom of Judah, beginning around 730 B.C. when Judah was also being threatened by Assyrian forces. He condemned Judah's leaders for their corruption and treatment of poor while he also raised hope for a messianic king. These early prophets continue to challenge people to live their faith in tangible ways. This study can be divided into shorter sections that pertain to one or more of the prophets Amos, Hosea and Micah (Lessons 1-3; Lessons4-7; Lessons 8-9).
Weekly Sessions
Introductory Session
Lesson 1 - Amos 1-4
Lesson 2 - Amos 5-11
Lesson 3 - Amos 12-19
Lesson 4 - Hosea 20-27
Lesson 5 - Hosea28-33
Lesson 6 - Hosea 34-39
Lesson7 - Hosea 40-42
Lesson 8 - Micah 43-46
Lesson 9 - Micah 47-50