The Paradigmatic Genocide
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Paperback / softback
Publisher: University Press of America
ISBN: 9780819196590
Number of Pages: 232
Published: 04/10/1994
Width: 14.8 cm
Height: 22.8 cm
This insightful book seeks to address the meaning of Shoah and its effect on the meaning of life in a post-Holocaust world. With a methodological, pedagogical, and theological thrust, the author's objective is to preserve and present the Shoah as living history for Christians and Jews in an age of ethnic cleansing and Godforsakeness.
Chapter 1 Foreword by Franklin H. Littell; Preface by Harry James Cargas Chapter 2 Insiders and Outsiders: For Whom Do We Toil?; Teaching the Shoah: The Introductory Course; Why Do We Call the Holocaust "The Holocaust?" An Inquiry Into the Psychological Labels; Dating the Shoah: In Your Blood Shall You Live; Edith Stein: Jewish Perspect
This new collection of essays and personal reflections... show both a sense of sound scholarship and a perceptive insight into its ultimate impact on human meaning in the contemporary world. -- Rev. John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Ph.D., Catholic Theological Union * The Jewish Journal * ...he makes very useful pedagogic resources available to the Judaic studies generalist. * Hebrew Studies * chock-full of facts, concepts, theories and scholarly skills. Garber is keenly aware here both of what historical honesty and sensitive interpretation of the religious imagination demand of us. He does justice to both demands. * Jewish Spectator * Professor Garber's book is a helpful and instructive commentary for those who teach abouth the Shoah....[The book is] both personal and scholarly.... -- Henry F. Knight, The University of Tulsa * Jewish Spectator * This scholarly book reflects [Garber's] commitment to preserving the memory of the Shoah by exploring its significance as 'living history.'...It provides a comprehensive and scholarly outline for those seriously interested in learning about the Holocaust, not for those content to see the occasional movie and wipe away the occasional tear. -- Henry F. Knight, The University of Tulsa * The Jewish Journal * For the last decade and more, Garber (Los Angeles Valley College) has been a productive participant in the wide ranging discussion of the meaning and implications of the Shoah. [At] (t)he heart of the book,...Garber shows himself to be an intelligent, sensitive, spiritually engaged scholar for whom Auschwitz is more than an academic concern ...A provocative and rich collection. Upper-division undergraduate; graduate; faculty. * CHOICE * ...he makes very useful pedagogic resources available to the Judaic studies generalist. * Hebrew Studies * chock-full of facts, concepts, theories and scholarly skills. Garber is keenly aware here both of what historical honesty and sensitive interpretation of the religious imagination demand of us. He does justice to both demands. * Jewish Spectator * Professor Garber's book is a helpful and instructive commentary for those who teach abouth the Shoah....[The book is] both personal and scholarly.... -- Henry F. Knight, The University of Tulsa * Jewish Spectator * This scholarly book reflects [Garber's] commitment to preserving the memory of the Shoah by exploring its significance as 'living history.'...It provides a comprehensive and scholarly outline for those seriously interested in learning about the Holocaust, not for those content to see the occasional movie and wipe away the occasional tear. -- Henry F. Knight, The University of Tulsa * The Jewish Journal * This new collection of essays and personal reflections... show both a sense of sound scholarship and a perceptive insight into its ultimate impact on human meaning in the contemporary world. -- Rev. John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Ph.D., Catholic Theological Union * The Jewish Journal * To read these ten essays dealing with the Shoah [Holocaust] is to, once again, sit at the feet of a master teacher, whose wide-ranging intellect and caring and compassionate concerns are reflected throughout this volume....'Shoah: The Paradigmatic Genocide: Essays in Exegesis and Eisegesis' is both an important document in our ever-expanding awareness of the implications of the Shoah for our own day, and well worth the investment of time and effort expanded to fully savor Zev Garber's thought. May we look forward to additional collections of his essays in the not-too-distant future. -- Rev. John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Ph.D., Catholic Theological Union * Jewish News of Los Angeles * illuminating and powerfully presented book in which Jewish and Christian readers are invited to reflect on the Shoah as a living history...Drawing theological insights from the Jewish Bible, the Second Testament, and other Jewish sources, the book is a valuable addition to ecumenical and dialogical reading. It is not only academically sound, but it also provides the heart to feel deeply for the millions of innocent victims and their surviving relatives. -- Rev. John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Ph.D., Catholic Theological Union * Journal of Ecumenical Studies * In sum, Garber's essays constitute a powerful appeal, not only to Jews to consider their identity in light of the Shoah, but to Christians to reconsider their identity in relation to Jews and Judaism: important as the Shoah is to Jewish thought and experience, it constitutes a fundamental challenge to Christian theology and self-identity to confront its role in the Shoah, and to accept Jews and Judaism as equals. -- Rev. John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Ph.D., Catholic Theological Union * Holocaust and Genocide Studies * Fascinating essays explore the Holocaust as a historical event and a theological watershed. The impassioned argument Garber makes for a unique theory and methodology in the academic treatment of the Holocaust is forceful and compelling. -- Rev. John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Ph.D., Catholic Theological Union * Religious Studies Review * ...this is a book of substance on the Holocaust that will certainly stimulate some important questions and add important perspective towards the formulation of adequate responses. -- Rev. John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Ph.D., Catholic Theological Union * RELIGION *