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Vestry Handbook

Third Revised Edition

Vestry Handbook

Third Revised Edition

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: Church Publishing Inc
ISBN: 9780819224392
Number of Pages: 136
Published: 15/09/2011
Width: 14 cm
Height: 21.6 cm

you need to know about vestry membership in one volume.

This updated classic manual reflects changes in canon law and includes discussions on additional subjects such as sexual misconduct and safe-church training.

The author consulted diocesan administrators, other clergy, the Church Deployment Office, and the Church Pension Fund for this revision. Canons, resource listings, financial information, continuing education, technology issues, plus how to deal with current tensions in the Anglican Communion and a myriad of other spot revisions can be found throughout this completely updated edition.

Christopher L. Webber

CHRISTOPHER L. WEBBER is an Episcopal priest, who has led urban, rural, and overseas parishes. He is a graduate of Princeton University and General Theological Seminary. In addition to Welcome to the Christian Faith, he is the author of many other books and several hymns. He lives in San Francisco and gives workshops and lectures on his writings.

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