Preparing for a Wedding in the Episcopal Church
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Resource for clergy to give/use with couples seeking to be wed in an Episcopal Church
Many couples come to an Episcopal Church seeking a place to hold their wedding ceremony because they love the setting in our beautiful churches. Others seek to be married in the Episcopal Church because their parents are members and/or it was the church of their childhood but have lapsed in attendance. While marriage is a tradition for many rooted in the religious tradition, the church continues to be an agent of the state in performing the legal components. And some couples are deeply connected to their parish family and seek a marriage grounded in the rites of the church.
Intended as an accessible resource, clergy can give this book to couples and use as a preparation tool in planning “The Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage” in the Episcopal Church. This book will satisfy the request clergy often receive from individuals (as well as newcomers, unmarried parents, same gender couples, those seeking remarriage) who desire to be married but don’t know what is involved from an Episcopal perspective. It includes essays, an outline and explanation of the marriage service, and how couples can live out the promises they make to one another.
1. The Marriage Canon: What the Church Requires
2. The Officiant
The Civil Law
The Church's Law
3. The Choice of Liturgy
On Whether to Have the Eucharist
An Outline of Wedding Possibilities
A Note on Place
4. And So It Begins ...
Eligibility to Marry
The Civil Side
The Sacred Side
5. Premarital Instruction
6. Witnessing and Registration
7. For Those Already Married
8. When Not to Wed
9. Planning the Liturgy
When and Where?
Big or Small? The Cast of Characters
Layout of the Church: Inside
Layout of the Church Grounds
Flowers and Décor
Wedding Planners
Receptions and Where They Happen
Family and Friends
Rings and Symbols
Bulletins and Programs
The Wedding Rehearsal
Final Preparation
About Arriving on Time
10. Walking Through the Liturgies
Before the Celebration
A Note on the Post-Celebration
The Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage (BCP and 2)
The Witnessing and Blessing of a Marriage
11. Sample Forms
Marriage Information and Application
Information Concerning the Couple
Concerning the Ceremony
Guide to Planning the Liturgy: Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage
Guide to Planning the Liturgy: Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage 2
Guide to Planning the Liturgy: Witnessing and Blessing of a Marriage
The Declaration of Intention
A Traditional Wedding Service
A Glossary