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Where the Eagles are Gathered

The Deliverance of the Elect in Lukan Eschatology

Where the Eagles are Gathered

The Deliverance of the Elect in Lukan Eschatology

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Publisher: Continuum Publishing Corporation
ISBN: 9780826462176
Number of Pages: 208
Published: 01/06/2003
Although many scholars consider Luke 17:22-37 to be "the most important eschatological passage in Luke-Acts," few agree on the precise meaning of the enigmatic proverb which forms its conclusion (Luke 17:37). Generally, Jesus' logion is taken to convey a macabre image of impending judgement. However, this study offers fresh literary, redactional, and historical evidence to suggest that Luke recast Jesus' saying in order to describe something much more glorious--the deliverance of the elect. Examination of the material elsewhere in Luke-Acts corroborates Luke's expectation of an ethereal reunion, and suggests that this hope constitutes the most characteristic feature of Lukan eschatology.
Chapter 1: The Enigma Of The A)Etoi& Saying: 1. The Eschatological Discourse (Luke 17.22-37); 2. Proposed Meanings of the a)etoi& Saying; a. Indicative of the Disciples' Ignorance; b. Indicative of the Nature of Jesus' Return; c. Indicative of the Nature of the Final Judgment; d. Indicative of the Location of Jesus' Return; e. Indicative of the Location of the Final Judgment; f. In Reference to those 'left behind'; g. In Reference to those 'taken'; 3. Summary and Thesis; Chapter 2: The A)Etoi& Logion And Its Immediate Context (Luke 17.11-18.14); 1. The Literary Landscape of Luke's Eschatological Discourse; a. The Grateful Samaritan (Luke 17.11-19); b. The Pharisees' Question (Luke 17.20-21); c. The Eschatological Discourse (Luke 17.22-37); d. The Vindication of the Widow (Luke 18.1-8); e. The Two Men in the Temple (Luke 18.9-14); 2. Synoptic Parallels to Luke's Eschatological Discourse; 3. Redaction-Critical Exegesis of Luke's Eschatological Discourse (Luke 17.22-37); a. The Disappearance and Revelation of the Son of Man (Luke 17.22-24); b. The Suffering of the Son of Man (Luke 17.25); c. The Day(s) of the Son of Man Likened to the Day(s) of Noah and Lot (Luke 17.26-30); d. Exhortation Concerning Evacuation 'on that day' (Luke 17.31-33); e. The Separation of Humanity (Luke 17.34-35); f. The Disciples' Question and the a)etoi& Saying (Luke 17.37); 4. Summary and Conclusion; Chapter 3: The Aetos In Antiquity; 1. The Meaning of aeto 2. The Vulture as the Consumer of the Dead; a. Examples from Antiquity; b. The Exclusion of Eagles from this Role; c. The Appearance of a)etoi& in the Synoptic Tradition; 3. The Role of the Eagle as Transporter of the Soul; a. Egyptian Origin; b. Syrian Transformation; c. Greco-Roman Appropriation; d. Apotheosis in Luke 17.37?; 4. The Eagle as the Deliverer of the Elect; a. The Hero-Quest; b. The Zeus-Cult; c. Yahweh's Deliverance of Israel; 5. Summary and Conclusion; Deliverance Tradition On Luke's Eschatological Discourse (Luke 17.22-37); 1. Exodus 19//Deuteronomy 32; a. OT Typology; b. Passover Eschatology; c. Historical Exemplar; 2. 1 Enoch; 3. The Testament of Moses; 4. The Testament of Judah; 5. The Post-Lukan Tradition; 6. Summary and Conclusion; Chapter 5: The Deliverance Of The Elect In Luke's Synoptic Apocalypse (Luke 21.5-36); 1. Questions Concerning the Destruction of the Temple (Luke 21.5-7); 2. The Signs Preceding the Temple's Demise (Luke 21.8-11); 3. The Persecution of the Disciples (Luke 21.12-19); 4. The Destruction of Jerusalem (Luke 21.20-24); 5. The Eschaton (Luke 21.25-28); 6. The Parable of the Fig Tree (Luke 21.29-33); 7. Concluding Admonition (Luke 21.34-36); 8. Summary and Conclusion; Conclusion; Appendix 1; Patristic Commentators On The A)Etoi& Saying; Appendix 2; Exegetical Analysis Of 'The Pharisees' Question' (Luke 17.20-21); Appendix 3; Did Pauline (Thessalonian) Eschatology; Influence Luke?; Bibliographies; 1. Primary and Reference Works; 2. Secondary Works

Steven Bridge

...Bridge s work is an important contribution to Lukan eschatology and to the interpretation of the eagle logion (17:37). The evidence he gives to support his views on the eagle logion are highly persuasive, especially in regard to his discussion about the use of aetoi in antiquity William H. Males Jr.--William H. Males Jr. "Review of Biblical Literature "

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