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Intelligent Person's Guide to Catholicism

Intelligent Person's Guide to Catholicism

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
ISBN: 9780826476722
Number of Pages: 160
Published: 10/03/2005
Width: 12.9 cm
Height: 19.8 cm
In this illuminating and engaging book, Alban McCoy imaginatively and intelligently addresses the key questions that non-Catholics-and even Catholics- have about Roman Catholicisim. Are faith and reason enemies or allies? Do we need proof of God? Can God and evil both exist? Do we need the Pope? Is annulment divorce by another name? Why are women not ordained as priests in the Catholic Church? In an age where morality is increasingly challenged and reassessed, Alban McCoy demonstrates the relevance of the Catholic Church's moral teaching to the modern age and shows how Roman Catholicism is fully engaged with the realities of life and of the Spirit. Alban McCoy is Chaplain to the University of Cambridge. He is also a literary editor of The Tablet. His book, An Intelligent Person's Guide to Christian Ethics, is also in the Continuum Icons series.
I. Common Questions; Faith and reason: enemies or allies? / God and Proof: argument or assertion? / 'God' and God: language or reality? / God: three and one? / God and Evil: can they both exist? / The Church: do we need it? / Sacraments: saving signs or magic? / Our Lady: mariology or mariolatry? / The Papacy: help or obstacle? / Catholicism and Conscience: are they compatible? / The Ordination of Women: why not? / Annulment: divorce by another name? / Christianity and world religions: can they all be true? II. The Ten Commandments; Human Flourishing / God: not idols, magic or performance / Parents: honour them, despite Philip Larkin / Value Human Life - all of it / Defend Marriage / Property, Poverty and Relationships / Say What You Mean, and Mean What You Say; III. The Seven Deadly Sins; The First Deadly Sin: Pride / The Second Deadly Sin: Sloth / The Third Deadly Sin: Envy / The Fourth Deadly Sin: Avarice / The Fifth Deadly Sin: Gluttony / The Sixth Deadly Sin: Wrath / The Seventh Deadly Sin: Lust; IV. The Virtuous Life; Introducing the Virtues / Faith / Hope / Love - and do what you will

Fr. Alban McCoy

Alban McCoy is Chaplain to the University of Cambridge. He is also a literary editor of The Tablet. His book, An Intelligent Person's Guide to Christian Ethics, is also in the Continuum Icons series.

"'At every turn he challenges complacency and makes ancient wisdom fresh, exciting.' - Commonwealth"

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