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Straight to the Heart of Ezra and Nehemiah

60 Bite-Sized Insights

Straight to the Heart of Ezra and Nehemiah

60 Bite-Sized Insights

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: SPCK Publishing
ISBN: 9780857219824
Number of Pages: 272
Published: 01/10/9900
Width: 13 cm
Height: 19.8 cm
After a long and painful wait for the Jewish exiles, Ezra and Nehemiah lead their people back to the Promised Land. Despite hardships and setbacks, they would rebuild their nation in time for the arrival of its Messiah. Whenever we are tempted to doubt the promises of God these books remind us that that God is a promise-keeper that is able to redeem any situation.  God inspired the Bible for a reason. He wants you read it and let it change your life. If you are willing to take this challenge seriously, then you will love Phil Moore’s devotional commentaries. Their bite-sized chapters are punchy and relevant, yet crammed with fascinating scholarship. Welcome to a new way of reading the Bible. Welcome to the Straight to the Heart series.
About the Straight to the Heart Series........................................9 Introduction: God Wants You to Build with Him................ 11 PART ONE: FIRST RETURN: REBUILDING A TEMPLE Midway Through the Story (Ezra 1:1–6)................................ 16 The Wake-up Call (Ezra 1:1–6)................................................... 20 Unfinished Business (Ezra 1:7–2:2)......................................... 24 Opening Credits (Ezra 2:1–67)................................................... 28 Every Leader’s Greatest Weapon (Ezra 2:68–70).............. 32 First Things First (Ezra 3:1–6)................................................... 36 Strong Foundations (Ezra 3:7–11)............................................ 40 Nostalgia (Ezra 3:12–13).............................................................. 44 The Enemy Within (Ezra 4:1–3)................................................ 48 The Empire Strikes Back (Ezra 4:4–24)................................. 52 Apostles and Prophets (Ezra 5:1–2)........................................ 56 What’s in a Name? (Ezra 5:1–17).............................................. 60 When God Says Build (Ezra 6:1–12)........................................ 64 Never Late (Ezra 6:13–22)........................................................... 68 PART TWO: SECOND RETURN: REBUILDING A NATION After These Things (Ezra 7:1–10)............................................. 74 Long Hand (Ezra 7:11–26)........................................................... 78 Word and Spirit (Ezra 7:27–28)................................................. 82 Weak and Humble (Ezra 8:1–20).............................................. 86 Prayer and Fasting (Ezra 8:21–23)........................................... 90 Ready and Willing (Ezra 8:24–36)............................................ 94 The Price of Keeping Clean (Ezra 9:1–5)................................ 98 999 (Ezra 9:6–15)..........................................................................103 Contagion (Ezra 10:1–4).............................................................107 Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day (Ezra 10:5–17)........................111 Final Credits (Ezra 10:18–44)...................................................115 PART THREE: THIRD RETURN: REBUILDING A CITY Load-Bearing Walls (Nehemiah 1:1–4)................................120 What the Butler Saw (Nehemiah 1:5–11)............................124 What Is in Your Hand? (Nehemiah 2:1–3)...........................128 What Do You Want? (Nehemiah 2:5–8)................................132 In The Dark (Nehemiah 2:9–16)..............................................137 Blood, Sweat and Tears (Nehemiah 2:17–18)....................141 Three Enemies (Nehemiah 2:19–20).....................................145 Fight For Your Right! (Nehemiah 2:20)................................149 Dream Team (Nehemiah 3:1–32)............................................153 The Two Sides of Tekoa (Nehemiah 3:5, 27)......................157 Sword and Trowel (Nehemiah 4:1–6:19).............................161 Arrow #1: Belittling (Nehemiah 4:1–6)...............................165 Arrow #2: Persecution (Nehemiah 4:7–9)..........................169 Arrow #3: Discouragement (Nehemiah 4:10–14)...........173 Arrow #4: Division (Nehemiah 4:15–23)............................177 Arrow #5: Hypocrisy (Nehemiah 5:1–19)...........................182 Arrow #6: Distraction (Nehemiah 6:1–9)............................186 Arrow #7: False Friends (Nehemiah 6:10–19)..................190 Gatekeepers (Nehemiah 7:1–3)...............................................194 What the Church Is For (Nehemiah 7:4–73).......................198 How Revival Happens (Nehemiah 8:1–12).........................202 The Joy of the Lord (Nehemiah 8:9–12)...............................206 Tell the Bigger Story (Nehemiah 8:13–18)..........................210 Yom Kippur (Nehemiah 9:1–5)................................................215 Construction History (Nehemiah 9:6–37)...........................219 The Spirit (Nehemiah 9:6–37)..................................................223 Five Good Reasons (Nehemiah 9:32–37).............................227 The Pledge (Nehemiah 9:38–10:39)......................................231 Send Me! (Nehemiah 11:1–36).................................................236 Back for Good (Nehemiah 12:1–26).......................................241 The Elephant in the Room (Nehemiah 12:27–47)...........245 Never Stop Building (Nehemiah 13:1–31)..........................250 Take a Rest! (Nehemiah 13:15–22)........................................255 Conclusion: God Wants You to Build with Him..................259

Phil Moore

Phil Moore leads a thriving multivenue church in London, UK. He also serves as a translocal Bible Teacher within the Newfrontiers family of churches. After graduating from Cambridge University in History in 1995, Phil spent time on the mission field and then time in the business world. After four years of working twice through the Bible in the original languages, he has now delivered an accessible series of devotional commentaries that convey timeless truths in a fresh and contemporary manner. More details at www.philmoorebooks.com

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