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Saint Mary of Egypt

A Modern Verse Life and Interpretation

Saint Mary of Egypt

A Modern Verse Life and Interpretation

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: Liturgical Press
ISBN: 9780879071165
Number of Pages: 136
Published: 01/12/9900
Width: 14 cm
Height: 21.6 cm
2022 Catholic Media Association second place award in mysticism

From its origins in the fourth and fifth centuries, first in monastic circles and then in wider Christian communities, the story of Mary of Egypt was wildly popular. From early Christianity through the medieval periods, from Egypt to Scandinavia, verse lives in Greek, Latin, and vernacular languages portray her as the model of repentance. Continuously venerated in the liturgy and icons of the Orthodox Churches, she is now seldom known in the West. This modern verse life and the accompanying essay reintroduces St. Mary’s extraordinary life, its theological and spiritual implications, and its remarkable depiction of gender complementarity.
Acknowledgments and Thanks Giving ix
Foreword by Sr. Benedicta Ward, SLG xiii
Introduction 1
The Life of Mary of Egypt: A Summary 9

A Modern Verse Life of Mary of Egypt
To the Reader 13
Preface 14
Mary’s Origins 15
Mary in Alexandria 17
Mary Explains Why 19
Mary Crosses the Sea 20
Mary Is Refused Entry 22
Mary Beseeches Mary 24
The Blessed Virgin Mary Speaks 26
Mary Meets Christ’s Cross 28
Mary Crosses the Jordan 30
Zossima’s Origins 32
Zossima at the Jordan Monastery 34
The Lion Watches 36
The First Encounter 38
Mary Confesses to Zossima 40
Zossima’s Response 42
Mary Remembers Her Tears 44
Zossima’s Year of Vigil 46
The Second Encounter 48
Mary’s Last Prayers 50
The Third Encounter 52
The Lion at the Burial 54
Zossima’s Last Word 56
The Lion’s Last Word 58
A Scribe’s Postscript 60
Epilogue 62

Further Exploration of Mary of Egypt and Her Story 65
The Literary History of Mary’s Life 67
Literary Echoes, Antecedents, and Techniques 72
  The Desert 76
  The Harlot 78
  The Lion 81
Theological Interest 83
  Conversion 85
  The Blessed Virgin Mary 87
  Penitence/Repentance 90
  Humility 93
Sacraments, Icons, and Relics 97
Contemporary Interest 106
Conclusion 111
Select Bibliography 116

Bonnie B. Thurston, Benedicta Ward, SLG

Bonnie B. Thurston, after years as a university and seminary professor, lives quietly in her home state of West Virginia. She is the author of many books on Scripture and spirituality and six books of poetry. These include Liturgical Press publications Shaped by the End You Live For: Thomas Merton’s Monastic Spirituality; Maverick Mark: The Untamed First Gospel; The Spiritual Landscape of Mark;Philippians in the Sacra Pagina series; and Belonging to Borders: A Sojourn in the Celtic Tradition (poetry).

"Bonnie Thurston's presentation of the Life of Saint Mary of Egypt combines two elements: a sparkling verse rendering of the Life, that not only retells the story but also touches the feelings in a way that highlights the importance of personal conversion. This is buttressed by a preliminary summary of the plot of the Life and a review of its literary and theological characteristics. An attractive and original version of the Life that will certainly help readers to make contact with its profound spiritual meaning." Michael Casey, OCSO "This study of Mary of Egypt is in two parts: a poetic life and a scholarly analysis. It is a perfect combination of art and science that offers the clearest and most compassionate study of the saint that I have read." Joyce E. Salisbury, Professor Emerita, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay "Bonnie Thurston has produced with this her latest offering a very creative and inspiring work on the ancient Christian figure St. Mary of Egypt. Through the masterful use of poetry and prose, Dr. Thurston weaves a beautiful tapestry on the very fabric of life and witness of this mother of the desert. I believe that this book will be read in the decades to come as a foundational text by those who are new and old to the story of this legendary saint." Dr. John G. Panagiotou, Orthodox theologian and scholar "This volume provides us with a double pleasure. First, we have a sensitive version of the life done by Thurston. Second, we get a capacious study of how her life was received and expanded in the history of hagiography and spirituality. There is much to savor and instruct in this book." Lawrence Cunningham, The University of Notre Dame "Poet Bonnie Thurston creates a reverent yet playful rendition that places this itinerant saint and her story at the center of the narrative. In addition to the poems, the book includes a foreword by medieval studies scholar Benedicta Ward, a substantive introduction, and an essay on the meaning of Mary of Egypt for our contemporary moment." Christian Century "Readers are indebted to Thurston that her ongoing fascination with and devotion to Saint Mary of Egypt, coupled with her extensive research into her story, has resulted in a fine readable verse-tale, accompanied by thorough historical, literary, and theological background. This little book is a stirring affirmation of the mercy of God that is available to all." Christianity & Literature "Packed full of insights from a historic point of view and, more importantly, from that of spirituality." Spirituality "Fascinating book undertaking the topic of Mary of Egypt, venerated in Orthodox Church as 'the model of repentance.' The author tells a history in both academic study and modern verse." Catholic Media Association "Bonnie Thurston's, Saint Mary of Egypt, provides an engaging and thought-provoking introduction to the once popular saint whose story has faded from prominence. This concise and accessible book could provide students with a stimulating introduction to this extraordinary figure." Catholic Books Review "Bonnie Thurston is to be thanked for splendid work here in bringing us back into connection with a remarkable woman of faith and strength, Saint Mary of Egypt." Cistercian Studies Quarterly "Bonnie Thurston's poetry and book deserve a wide readership, and our gratitude for bringing us back once again to the glorious Mary of Egypt." Anaphora "This modern verse life offers to modern readers one of the most important figures of conversion from early monasticism, a figure whose story of repentance and grace is no less powerful and needed today. May readers find themselves rethinking about categories of sinner and saint in light of the God who loves both." American Benedictine Review "This book is a delight." The Julian Meetings Magazine "This volume is a good addition to the Monastic Wisdom Series, and those who are interested in the life of a very different saint will want to read this and will enjoy the very relaxed style of poetry into which the life has been translated." The Downside Review

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