Liturgical Sermons
The Reading-Cluny Collection, 2 of 2; Sermons 134–182; and A Sermon Upon the Translation of Saint Edward, Confessor
Liturgical Sermons
The Reading-Cluny Collection, 2 of 2; Sermons 134–182; and A Sermon Upon the Translation of Saint Edward, Confessor
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Aelred (1110–1167) served Rievaulx Abbey, the second Cistercian monastery in England, for twenty years as abbot. During his abbacy he wrote thirteen treatises, some offering spiritual guidance and others seeking to advise King Henry II. He also wrote thirty-one sermons as a commentary on Isaiah 13–16 and 182 surviving liturgical sermons, mostly addressed to his monks.
This volume contains the second half of Aelred's ninety-eight liturgical sermons from the Reading-Cluny collection, Sermons 134 through 182, as well as Aelred's sermon for the translation of Saint Edward the Confessor in 1163, from the critical edition by Peter Jackson first published in Cistercian Studies Quarterly. For the most part, the collection follows the liturgical year; this volume begins with a sermon for the birth of John the Baptist and ends with three sermons for the feast of All Saints. It contains sixteen Marian sermons as well as a sermon for the birth of Saint Katherine and a sermon for nuns.
Abbreviations vii
Introduction, by Marjory Lange xv
Sermon 134: On the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist 3
Sermon 135: On the Solemnity of the Apostles Peter and Paul 10
Sermon 136: On the Solemnity of the Apostles Peter and Paul 17
Sermon 137: On the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist 28
Sermon 138: On the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist 37
Sermon 139: On the Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul 45
Sermon 140: On the Feast of Saint Benedict 53
Sermon 141: On the Feast of Saint Benedict 61
Sermon 142: On the Octave of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul 71
Sermon 143: To Abbots 81
Sermon 144: To Abbots 89
Sermon 145: On the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist 98
Sermon 146: On the Feast of Saint Benedict 104
Sermon 147: On the Feast of Saint Benedict 110
Sermon 148: On the Feast of Holy Relics 121
Sermon 149: On the Feast of Blessed Mary Magdalene 128
Sermon 150: On the Feast of Blessed Mary Magdalene 136
Sermon 151: On the Feast of Saint Peter in Chains 144
Sermon 152: On the Chair of Saint Peter 147
Sermon 153: On the Assumption of Saint Mary 152
Sermon 154: On the Assumption of Saint Mary 159
Sermon 155: On the Annunciation of Saint Mary 169
Sermon 156: On the Assumption of Saint Mary 174
Sermon 157: On the Assumption of Saint Mary 185
Sermon 158: On the Nativity of Saint Mary 195
Sermon 159: On the Nativity of Saint Mary 202
Sermon 160: On the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel 213
Sermon 161: On the Conception of Saint Mary 220
Sermon 162: On the Nativity of Saint Mary 227
Sermon 163: On the Nativity of Saint Mary 234
Sermon 164: On the Nativity of Saint Mary 239
Sermon 165: On the Annunciation of the Lord 243
Sermon 166: On the Nativity of Saint Mary 247
Sermon 167: On the Assumption of Saint Mary 255
Sermon 168: On the Assumption of Saint Mary 262
Sermon 169: On the Assumption of Saint Mary 270
Sermon 170: On the Feast of Saint Edward 277
Sermon 171: On the Feast of Saint Edward 285
Sermon 172: On the Feast of Saint Edward 292
Sermon 173: On the Feast of Saint Martin 303
Sermon 174: On the Feast of Saint Katherine 309
Sermon 175: On the Feast of Saint Andrew 318
Sermon 176: On the Feast of Saint Vincent 327
Sermon 177: On the Feast of Saint Vincent 334
Sermon 178: On the Feast of Saint Gregory 343
Sermon 179: To Nuns: On the Thursday after the Week of the Resurrection 350
Sermon 180: On the Feast of All Saints 360
Sermon 181: On the Feast of All Saints 367
Sermon 182: On the Feast of All Saints 373
A Sermon Upon the Translation of Saint Edward, Confessor 379
Comprehensive Index of Scriptural Citations in Aelred’s Sermons 391
Comprehensive Index of Classical, Patristic, and Medieval Citations in Aelred’s Sermons 445