Herald of God's Loving-Kindness: Book 4
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Gertrud the Great (1256–1302) entered the monastery of Helfta in eastern Germany as a child oblate. At the age of twenty-five she underwent a conversion that led to a series of visionary experiences. These centered on “the divine loving-kindness,” which she perceived as expressed through and symbolized by Christ’s divine Heart. Some of these experiences she recorded in Latin “with her own hand,” in what became Book 2 of The Herald of God’s Loving-Kindness.
Books 1, 3, 4, and 5 were written down by another nun, a close confidant of the saint, now often known as “Sister N.” Book 4 records Gertrud’s many vivid spiritual experiences, which took place on various liturgical feasts when she was too sick to take part in the community’s worship. Foregrounding visions of the court of heaven and dialogues with Christ, the Virgin Mary, and other saints, they further develop devotional themes already present in the earlier books. Often profoundly indebted to the liturgy of Mass and office, they have been carefully arranged according to the ecclesiastical year by the medieval compiler.
List of Abbreviations ix
Introduction xi
Prologue 3
Chapter 1: Preparation for the Birth of Christ 5
Chapter 2: The Vigil of the Most Sweet Birth of Jesus 9
Chapter 3: The Honey-Sweet Nativity of the Lord 21
Chapter 4: Saint John Apostle and Evangelist 27
Chapter 5: Salutation of the Name of Jesu on the Feast of the Circumcision 39
Chapter 6: A Threefold Offering on the Epiphany of the Lord 43
Chapter 7: Veneration of the Lord’s Face on Omnis Terra Sunday 49
Chapter 8: Blessed Agnes, Virgin and Martyr 53
Chapter 9: The Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary 55
Chapter 10: Saint Gregory the Pope 61
Chapter 11: Blessed Benedict Our Father: How Blessed Are Those Who Protect the Monastic Life 65
Chapter 12: The Lord’s Annunciation 69
Chapter 13: The Intentions That Should Be Offered for the Church on Circumdederunt Sunday 77
Chapter 14: Building the Ark: On Exurge Quare Sunday 81
Chapter 15: Relief from a Burden on Esto Mihi Sunday 87
Chapter 16: The Recording of Good Works and How They Should Be Undertaken in Union with Christ’s Passion 93
Chapter 17: The Lord’s Offering on Behalf of Trudi’s Soul, and Three Victories: Invocavit Sunday 99
Chapter 18: Works of Spiritual Mercy: Monday 103
Chapter 19: Offering for the Church on Reminiscere Sunday 105
Chapter 20: Purchase of Christ’s Way of Life: On Oculi Mei Sunday 107
Chapter 21: The Lord’s Supper: On Laetare Sunday 109
Chapter 22: The Utility of Mindfulness of the Lord’s Passion: On Judica Sunday 113
Chapter 23: Service and Hospitality for the Lord: On Palm Sunday 117
Chapter 24: The Acceptability of Genuflection: Wednesday 127
Chapter 25: The Liturgy at the Lord’s Supper 131
Chapter 26: Good Friday 137
Chapter 27: The Resurrection of the Lord 145
Chapter 28: The Following Monday: Scrutiny of Her Life in Religion 149
Chapter 29: Renewal of Her Spiritual Marriage 153
Chapter 30: Wednesday: Spiritual Fertility 155
Chapter 31: How Useful It Is to Entrust All One’s Works to God 157
Chapter 32: On the Octave Day of Easter: How She Received the Holy Spirit 159
Chapter 33: The Greater Litany on the Feast of Mark 161
Chapter 34: Saint John before the Latin Gate 163
Chapter 35: Preparation before the Feast of the Ascension 167
Chapter 36: The Solemn Day of the Lord’s Ascension 175
Chapter 37: Preparation for the Feast of Pentecost 179
Chapter 38: The Honey-Sweet Feast of Pentecost 181
Chapter 39: Compensation for Her Spiritual Attitude 187
Chapter 40: The Grace of the Holy Spirit 189
Chapter 41: The Feast of the Glorious Trinity 191
Chapter 42: Saint John the Baptist 195
Chapter 43: Saint Leo the Pope 197
Chapter 44: The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul 201
Chapter 45: Saint Margaret the Virgin 205
Chapter 46: Saint Mary Magdalene 207
Chapter 47: Saint James the Apostle 211
Chapter 48: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin 213
Chapter 49: Saint Bernard the Abbot 235
Chapter 50: The Worth of Saint Augustine, Saint Dominic, and Saint Francis 239
Chapter 51: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 249
Chapter 52: The Dignity of the Holy Cross 257
Chapter 53: On Angels: The Feast of Michael the Archangel 263
Chapter 54: The Feast of the Eleven Thousand Virgins 267
Chapter 55: The Feast of All Saints 273
Chapter 56: Saint Elizabeth 277
Chapter 57: Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr 279
Chapter 58: The Feast of the Dedication of the Church 281
Chapter 59: The Consecration of the Chapel 287
Scriptural Index 291